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“I hope she and Auntie Flora are feeling better for the wedding tomorrow.” Sophie worried her hands.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Iris said.

“Yes, yes, they’ll be fine,” Lily said. “Neither would miss your wedding for anything in the world, Auntie.”

Lily thumbed through her program, reading the biographies of the actors. Zachary Newland’s list of accomplishments was impressive, as was the director’s. Most of the other actors were not as well-known, although she did recognize a few of their names. She skimmed through their histories, noting the highlights, and then nearly jumped out of her seat when she came to a familiar name.

Cameron Price, Composer.

Quickly she returned to the front page of her program and read through every word. At the bottom, in small print, under choreography but above set design was written: Original Score by Cameron Price. Lily exhaled sharply and went back to the biography page. Cameron’s bio was shorter than most.

Mr. Price is a published composer of two works, a ballad and a waltz, and has also written several private commissions. He hails from Wiltshire County. A country boy at heart, he is the son of Mrs. Colton Price of Bath. Cameron thanks Mr. Zachary Newland and the Duke of Lybrook for this chance to compose for the Regal. He dedicates his part in opening night to his beloved sisters, Patricia and Katrina and to the memory of his father.

The Duke of Lybrook? Lily turned around to her husband who was conversing with Evan. “Daniel?”


“I’m sorry to interrupt, but you need to read this.” She handed him the program and pointed to the relevant entry.

Daniel read it quickly. “Yes?” he said again.

“Why is he thanking you?” Lily asked.

“I’m not sure, although it probably has something to do with the fact that I sent Newland a copy of your waltz.”

“You did?”

“Yes. It was quite good, as you know, and I thought Newland might be able to use a composer for his venture. It seems I was right.”

“Oh my.”

“Good for Price,” Daniel continued. “I always thought he was made for more than mere tenancy on our land.”

“I must speak with him.” Lily started to rise.

Daniel put his hands on her shoulders. “Not now, love. The show is about to start.”

“I don’t care. He’s here somewhere. I need to speak with him now!”

“No, Lily,” Daniel said sharply.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice to me!” Lily whispered angrily.

“Calm down, love. I’m not raising my voice to you. But the play is going to start. Look, there go the lights.”

“Daniel, you don’t understand. It’s a…matter of grave importance!” She wanted to tell him more, but Evan’s presence next to Daniel made that impossible.

“We’ll find him at intermission,” Daniel said. “Come on, you don’t want to miss the play. Besides, he’s most likely extremely busy right now.”

Her husband was right, of course. It was aggravating, how right he usually was. She couldn’t help smiling to herself. Her impulsiveness was one of the things Daniel loved about her, but he curbed it when necessary. As the curtain lifted to strains of what must have been Cameron’s music, she reached behind her. Daniel’s hand met hers, and she squeezed gently, saying, without words, how much she loved him.

* * * *

Lily sighed as the curtain descended for intermission. The performance so far had been amazing, and the music inspiring. Cameron was indeed gifted. A perfect match for Rose. She was determined to find him and make sure he did right by her sister.

“Daniel”—she stood—“I’ll return shortly. I need to…powder my nose.”

“I’ll come with you,” he said.

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic