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A night cap sounded good, and Thomas did enjoy a good brandy. What would be the harm? “Thank you, my lady. I would be obliged.”

She led him to a small table near the window of her chamber and bade him sit down. She brought a bottle and two snifters to the table.

“Allow me.” Thomas poured the dark golden liquid into the glasses and warmed one in his hand before giving it to her.

Amelia picked it up, swirling the fluid daintily, and brought it to her lips. “Shall we toast to your sister’s impending nuptials?”

“By all means. Lily has done well for herself.”

“I should say so. Landing the most eligible bachelor in England in a mere three days. One might think…”

“One might think what?”

“Oh, nothing,” Amelia said. “I’d much rather talk about you.” She took another sip of the Armagnac. “Why hasn’t a handsome eligible bachelor like yourself settled down?”

“I’m not quite as old as Lybrook yet.”

“Of course not. But your father no doubt has impressed upon you the importance of siring an Ashford heir, has he not?”

Thomas sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid he has. But he was two years older than I when he married my mother, so he can’t get too excited about it yet.” He took another sip. “My lady, this is excellent.”

“Yes, my Frederic adored it,” Amelia said. “Tell me, do you have anyone in mind for the position?”

“What position?”

“The position of mother to your heir, of course.”

Thomas nearly choked on the brandy. “Well…I haven’t given it a great deal of thought, to tell you the truth.”

“Of course. A man like you doubtless enjoys his freedom.”

Thomas grinned. “I won’t deny it.”

“I know exactly what you mean. Though I adored my dear Frederic—may he rest in peace—I, too, have become accustomed to a certain amount of freedom since his death. Being able to come and go as one pleases, without answering to another, is liberating.” Amelia topped off their snifters. “May I speak frankly to you, my lord?”

“By all means.”

“I’m a lonely widow. There have been rumors, I know, about various exploits that I have allegedly engaged in, but most of them are completely untrue. Not all, of course. A woman has needs, you know. But the majority are unfounded. It has been quite a long time since I have been…intimate with a man.”

Thomas cleared his throat. He was no fool. She wanted to bed him.

Amelia lowered her voice to a husky rasp. “I find you very interesting and attractive, my lord.”

“I’m flattered, my lady. However, you should know that my heart lies…elsewhere.”

“It’s not your heart I’m interested in.” Amelia finished her brandy, stood, and moved behind Thomas’s chair and began to massage his shoulders. “You’re so tense, my lord. I’ve always thought it must be difficult for men of your station to balance all of your responsibilities. I know it was for my Frederic.” She moved down to his upper arms, kneading his muscles tenderly, and leaned down to his ear. “I can help ease your tension.”

Thomas fidgeted in his seat. The tickle of her breath on his neck aroused him, and his cock stiffened. She was nothing if not tempting. He placed his hands over hers and pulled her around to face him.

“What exactly is it that you’re after, my lady?”

She sat down in his lap and entwined her arms around his neck. “A night of passion with you, my lord.” She lowered her mouth to his.

Chapter 14

Lily slept late the next morning, waking to Rose’s gentle nudging at half past eleven. She opened her eyes to find herself on top of her covers, still in her ball gown from the previous evening with one breast precariously exposed. She hastily tucked it into her gown.

“Lily, you look terrible,” Rose said. “Your eyes are puffy and streaked with tears. I didn’t bother you when I came in last night, though you were sleeping fitfully. Can I do anything for you?”

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic