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“Diana told me you’ve decided to go back to California.”

“Well…I kind of made a deal with the devil.”

Another pause. I expect him to say something like, “I’m the devil?” But he can’t. He’s with Diana, who doesn’t know what went on between us. Unless he told her, and I know instinctively he didn’t. Dale is private. Very private.

“I’d like you to stay,” he finally says.

I’d like you to stay.

His words trickle over me, warming me. If possible, they sound even better than when he told me I was beautiful.

“I’m not sure that’s for the best.”

I know instantly the comment is a mistake. Dale asked me to stay, but he won’t beg.

Dale will never beg for anything.

Another throat clear. “That’s your call, then.”

A shuffle, and then Diana’s voice. “Ash, come on. Don’t be ridiculous. Stay. You’ll learn a ton, get some credit.”

“He doesn’t really want me to stay,” I tell her.

“So what? Is that a requirement?”

Yeah, it kind of is. How can I be around him, knowing what it feels like to have him touch me, kiss me? Knowing I’ll never experience the wonder of him again?

“I guess not,” I say.

“Good. It’s decided, then. You’re staying.”


“It’s decided,” she says again.

“Let me talk to Dale—”

But she ends the call.

What was I going to say to him, anyway? He won’t say what I want him to say.

Do I want to go home, live with my mother, and take whatever classes are open for late registration?

Or do I want to stay here, on this beautiful ranch? Learn what it takes to run one of the most successful boutique wineries in the world? Get inside the head of one amazing winemaker?

I laugh out loud. In those terms, the answer is obvious.

I’m staying.

My suitcase lies open on my bed. May as well unpack and get my clothes in the closet and dresser. I take out a pair of jeans, when someone knocks on the door.


“It’s Jade. May I come in?”

Diana’s mom. “Yeah. Sure.”

Jade opens the door. Her blue eyes are striking, more so since she’s the only one in her family who has them. Though she’s the daughter of a supermodel, she’s not as tall as her own daughters. Nor is she lithe like a model. Her figure, though slender, is curvier—especially around the chest. Easy to see why Diana and Brianna are both so well endowed.

I feel pretty much concave in Jade’s presence.

I can’t help a slight smile. Dale didn’t seem to have an issue with my less prominent boobs.

“Where’s Diana?” she asks.

“She went over to Dale’s.”

“Tal and Bree are in the orchards, so it’s just you and me. Would you like to join me for lunch on the deck?”

My stomach rumbles slightly. What time is it, anyway? “I’d like that. Thank you.”

“Good. Darla’s just making sandwiches. Anything you don’t eat?”

“Miracle Whip.”

“No problem. We don’t eat fake mayonnaise in this house.” She smiles. “See you outside in a few minutes.”

I nod as she leaves, closing the door behind her. I’m still wearing my tank top and cutoffs. I suppose that’s fine for a casual lunch. I slide into my sandals, and—

I’m suddenly aware that I’m not wearing a bra.

I wasn’t wearing one this morning, either.

I’m not a bra fanatic. My boobs being the size they are, I don’t really need one. In fact, I only own two. Most smaller-breasted women in California go without.

I hastily pull one of them out of my suitcase, shed my tank, and put it on.

From now on, the girls will be harnessed. At least while I’m living here.

Darla made roast beef sandwiches with lettuce and tomato. They’re delicious, but I worry about eating so much red meat while I’m here. I’m no vegetarian, but in Cali I live on seafood.

Jade is good at conversation, talkative like I am. Like I usually am. I can’t seem to be talkative around her son.

Jade takes a sip of iced tea. “I can’t believe Diana isn’t back yet. What did she go over to Dale’s for?”

To tell him off.

I can’t say that, of course. She has been gone for a while, though. “I don’t know.” The lie is bitter on my tongue.

“Dale has a soft spot for Diana,” Jade says. “For both his sisters, actually, but especially Diana, since she came along shortly after he and Donny arrived here.”

Is that an opening? Should I ask why?

I’m not sure.

“Be patient with Dale,” she says then.

I lift my eyebrows.

“He can be…a little sharp sometimes.”


She smiles. “Kind of like a knife, but he doesn’t mean to be.”

I nod. “I know. Diana warned me.”

“Ryan is adamant that he take the reins with this internship. Tal and I aren’t sure why he feels so strongly about it, but he’s the boss at the winery.”

“I’m not sure Dale is happy about it.”

“Dale’s just a loner.” She sighs. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to his… I’m not sure of the word. It’s not standoffishness. He’s very close to his brother, of course, and to Talon and the girls. He and I never clicked the way the rest of them did. It’s something I still struggle with. I’ve always wanted to be closer to him.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic