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“She was still seeing him when we got together.”

“Is she still seeing him now?”

“She says she isn’t.”

“Then what’s the issue?”

“He’s pursuing her. Big-time.”

“Is she interested?”

“She says she isn’t, but…”

“Trust her, Ennis. So she likes sex. She’s not the only girl in the world who does.”

“Are you saying I should be doing it with her?”

“Only if it’s something you both want.”

“Fuck, yeah, I want it. She’s the holdup.”

“Really?” I tried to hide my surprise.

“Yeah. Says she wants to do it right this time. Take it slow, like I said.”

“That’s very mature of her.”

“I suppose.”

Patty ran up to us then and tugged on Ennis’s arm. “Come on, I want you to meet some people.”

Who could Patty want Ennis to meet? She didn’t know anyone here other than Sean, Brad, and me. But that was Patty. I’d only known her a couple of months, but she was so perky and outgoing, she made friends within minutes wherever she went.

I was so not like that.

I swallowed down my rising nausea, pasted a smile on my face, and walked farther into the courtyard where the tables were set up. We’d be sitting down to dinner soon.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“In private,” Larry whispered.

I sighed and led him into the house and then my bedroom, closing the door behind us. “What is it?”

“Tom and Theo,” he said. “They’re up to something.”

“Theo’s always up to something,” I said. “That’s not exactly news.”

“They bought a bunch of marijuana.”

“I know.”

“You do? And you’re okay with this?”

“I’m out, man. I told Tom before he told me about the pot. I’m no longer investing in this mess. Now that Wendy’s locked up, I can get on with my life.”

“You’re already in, Steel.”

“The fuck I am.”

“Your money started all this.”

“And my money is cut off as of now.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“The hell it doesn’t. You three keep me out of it from now on. Keep my name out of all your dealings, or you’ll be sorry.”

“What exactly do you think you can do to us?” he asked.

“Trust me”—the image of my father threatening Dr. Pelletier raced into my head—“you don’t want to know.”

Larry’s already fair face went whiter. “You don’t know what those two are capable of.”

“Tom and Theo? Sure I do.”

Theo was capable of just about anything, and Tom? His icy demeanor would get him through the worst shit in the world, and no one who met him would have a clue.

It was fucking scary.

“I don’t want to get into drugs, man,” he said. “You’ve got to help me.”

“Then don’t get into drugs. You don’t have to go along with them. Just get out, like I did.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Sure it is. It’s exactly that simple.”

“It’s not, Brad, and here’s why—”

Someone pounded on the door.

“Shit,” I said. “What is it?”

“Dinner is being served.” My mother’s voice. “We need you out here now.”

Damn. I wanted to hear what Larry had to say, but I couldn’t disappoint Daphne and the rest of our guests.

“Coming.” I met Larry’s gaze. “This isn’t over.”

Daphne managed to eat a decent amount of dinner at my urging. At least she didn’t look green anymore, and she seemed happy. She was worried about her mother, though. I could tell.

The servers began filling champagne flutes at the table—sparkling cider for Daphne and Evie Simpson, of course. Murph then stood up to make his best man’s toast.

He clinked his spoon on his flute until he had everyone’s attention.

“Hey, everyone, thanks so much for being here today,” Murph began. “I’ve known Brad Steel for nearly four years. We met freshman year of college and became fast friends. He’s the only guy who can outdrink me!”

Laughter rang throughout the yard.

“I was lucky enough to be his roommate for a little over a year as well. We sure had our fun, and there was no better guy to go out with. The ladies flocked to us when Brad was around. He’s a chick magnet.”

More laughter. Daphne eyed me.

Geez, Murph. You could have left that out. This is my wedding toast, for God’s sake.

“But his skirt-chasing days were over the first day of orientation a few months ago when he locked eyes with Daphne Wade.”

Okay, Murph. You’re forgiven.

“I’ve never seen anyone fall that hard that fast.” He shook his head, smiling. “Brad finally found the woman who brought him to his knees, and Daphne, I never thought it could happen, but you’re the one.”

She smiled.

I’m the luckiest man in the world. Yeah, she comes with baggage. A lot of it. But so do I. Together we’ll conquer it all.

“Though I may never forgive you for taking away my best girl-chasing buddy!”

Laughter again, even from Daphne this time.

“So everyone, please raise your glasses to Brad and Daphne! They deserve all the happiness in the world, and I—” Murph stumbled a little. “Sorry, got a little woozy there. I know I haven’t had that much to drink yet.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic