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“That’s it,” he said. “You’re getting there. Relax and let it happen, baby.”

Then he shoved a finger into me.

“Brad!” My feet landed on the elusive peak, and then I jumped off into the euphoric clouds of bliss. Sparks pulsed from my core outward, through every cell in my body, as I floated in ecstasy. Words left my throat, but I had no idea what they were.

Brad’s voice wafted through the air, low and raspy, a symphony to my ears as electricity coursed through me and I drifted through the clouds, my speed decreasing.

I landed on the softness of the bed, Brad’s face between my legs, his chin glistening and his eyes full of fire. His finger was in me still, slowly moving in and out, in and out, until he removed it.

I sighed.

“Well?” he said.

“Well, what?” I murmured.

“See what I mean? Now you know.”

“God, yes. Now I know.”

He crawled upward and pulled me into his arms. “I’m so happy I was the one to do that for you.”

“Me too.” I closed my eyes and snuggled into his shoulder.

Chapter Forty-Two


She fell asleep in my arms almost immediately.

Her tall height made her perfect for me. She melted into my body as if we’d been cast to fit together, the perfect yin and yang.

My thoughts about her scared me a little. I’d fallen, and I’d fallen fast and hard. That wasn’t like me.

Maybe I’d never met the right girl.

Daphne was my future.

What I felt for her was something I’d never felt before. I wanted to protect her from all the cruelty in the world. I wanted to lie with her every night for the rest of my life. I wanted her to live with me here on the ranch and be the mother of my children. I wanted to grow old with her, laughing and enjoying life, bringing her bright-yellow tulips every morning.

I wanted a life with this woman—a long and prosperous life.

I wouldn’t tell her yet. I’d only scare her away. No one fell in love in a week. No one except me, apparently. No way could she possibly love me yet, but she would. I knew in my heart and soul that she would.

She’d given me her virginity. To her, that was huge. She was definitely feeling something profound. She’d talked about fate and destiny, but she hadn’t mentioned love. That was okay. Love would grow. Just like the blossoms in my mother’s greenhouse, our love would grow and live during all seasons.

I should wake her and take her back to the main house, but I didn’t want to leave this heavenly place we’d created tonight.

An hour later, I left the guesthouse. I scribbled a quick note to tell Daphne I’d be back soon just in case she woke up and found me gone.

Then I walked to the main house.

Time to talk to my father.

I found him in his study, as usual. I knocked on the open door. “Dad?”


“I need to talk to you.”

“It’s late.”

“I know, but it’s important.”

“Come in, then,” he said gruffly.

I entered and sat down in one of the chairs opposite his desk. I was here to ask for a favor. A big favor. He’d act like it was a big pain in his ass, say “I told you so,” but in the end, he’d come through for me.

My father had warned me about Wendy early on, when I first brought her home. At the time, I didn’t listen. My father had become so harsh to my mother over the years that I no longer valued his opinion.

That one will be your undoing, son. Mark my words.

He’d been right about Wendy, though, and now I wished I’d heeded his warning.

One thing was certain. Wendy would not be my undoing. I’d take care of it any way I had to. I needed to be free of her, not just for my own sake but for hers as well.

And for the sake of the beautiful, innocent woman lying asleep in the guesthouse.

“Did you come in here to stare at the wall?” my father asked.

I drew in a breath. “No. I need help, Dad. It’s about Wendy.”

I braced myself for the yelling. The “I told you so.” The “I have better things to do than clean up your messes.” The harsh criticism of my decisions.

To my surprise, all he said was, “It’s about time.”

He listened, he made plans, and for the first time since I was a kid, I believed in my father again.

Then I walked back to the guesthouse.

I jerked upward at the shrill screech.

Daphne sat on the edge of the bed trembling, her arms wrapped around her body.

“Baby?” I said tentatively.

“No!” she screamed again, this time standing.

I blinked to adjust my eyes to the darkness. “Daphne, what’s wrong?”

“Get away from me! Help! Help!” She raced toward the door of the bedroom.

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic