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First the tape was removed from my mouth and I spit out the gag. All those screams that had been suppressed came out with a vengeance.

“Get away from me! Help me! Help me!”

“I’m not your enemy, Marjorie.”

He removed the blindfold.

A blurry image slowly began to clarify. My mind was fuzzy, but I knew this person. This man.


“Yeah. It’s me. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help you.”

“Are you responsible for taking my mother? Where the hell is she, Dominic? You’ve taken a mentally ill woman against her will. You’ve taken me against my will!”


“You transported me in the trunk of a car. I could have suffocated. Been killed by carbon monoxide!”

“You were in the back of a van, not a trunk. You were never in any dang—”

“The hell I wasn’t! You did something to me. Knocked me over the head with something. What gives you the right—”

“I took you to save you, damn it.” He stood and looked over his shoulder.

Another person entered the room, this one female.

“How is he?” Dominic asked.

“He’s all right. Dazed and confused.”

“So is she,” Dominic replied.

Was he talking about me? “I’m far from dazed and confused. You’d better tell me what the fuck is going on right now, damn it! Who’s that bitch? And who else is here with us?”

“Excuse me?” the woman said.

“Easy,” Dominic said. “She’s rightly upset.”

“No one calls me a bitch and gets away—”

“Easy,” he said again.

She quieted down, but she didn’t look happy.

“Marjorie,” he said. “This is my sister, Alessandra. My twin. She goes by Alex.”

“Do you think I care what she goes by? Now untie my hands and feet so I can get the hell out of here. If my brothers find out what you’ve done, they’ll fucking kill you.”

“Alex and I aren’t your enemies,” he said quietly. “But we know who is.”

Chapter Three


Joe and I headed over to the gym. Marj’s new trainer, Dominic, was the only other person who might have seen her this morning.

“We need to talk to one of your trainers,” Joe said to the receptionist on duty, a new guy I didn’t recognize.

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic