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Reality set in with a brick to my gut.

What was I doing? This was no time for my ridiculous self-indulgence. I had a job to do, especially if Colin had failed.

“Give me a break,” I said. “Haven’t you ever had a period before?”

“Yeah. And I take care of it quickly. You’ve got two more minutes before I knock this fucking door down.”

Shit. Okay.

The blade burned hot against my fingers.

Alex on the other side of the door, ready to pound her way in…

My friend.

Almost no thought in my head as I cut a centimeter incision into my scar.

The pinch of pain flowed through me, calming me.

Yes, and I could make this work. I opened another tampon, sopped up the blood, and then threw it in the wastebasket next to the toilet. I’d flush the extra wrapper.

Ha! Let Alex check the trash. She’d find what she needed to find, and I got the pleasant calming of the pain in my thigh. I tore the wrapper off a bandage and taped up the cut. Wrapper from the bandage went in the toilet as well.

Later, I’d berate myself for succumbing.

Later, when I had to think about what I’d done.

For now, I had a job to do—get Colin and myself out of here.

What to do with the blade? I was wearing sweats with no pockets, a sports bra, and a workout shirt. My bra seemed the safest place. I carefully placed it on top of my left breast, taking care not to scratch my skin. Then I adjusted my sweatpants and flushed the toilet. Yes! The mobile home toilet had handled the extra stuff. I washed my hands before opening the door.

“Took you long enough,” Alex said, frowning.

Actually, had I ever seen her smile? Nope. The frown was a permanent fixture on her face. I smiled sweetly…which took a lot of effort. “Thanks. I feel better now.”

No truer words.

She scowled at me and led me back into the kitchen.

Dave still hadn’t returned for his cell phone, which was making me nervous. How did a person not know his cell phone was missing? Especially someone in the business of crime?

Thoughts filled my head. Did he have two phones? Was the cell phone a plant? Were they setting us up?

Maybe. I had no idea. All I knew was that I had a plan, and I’d stick to it. What else could I do?

The blade prickled against my breast. It was only my imagination. The chill from the cool metal had warmed almost instantly.

No, this was the tingling I was used to. The vibration I felt whenever I held it. Held my friend.

I had to ignore it.

So I had the blade. What next? If they tied us up again, I wouldn’t be able to access it. I needed a plan. Colin still sat at the table, white as a sheet. I assumed he still had Dave’s phone hidden…somewhere. Most likely in his crotch, the place he figured Dominic and Alex wouldn’t look.

Now what?

Might as well ask.

“What now?” I asked Dominic. I was tempted to ask where Dave had gone, but I didn’t want to bring attention to him or his phone.

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic