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“Still the same Marjorie Steel,” he said. “You don’t take shit from anyone.”

“Especially not people who hurt my friends.”

“I was your friend once.”

“Jade trumps you, I’m afraid.”

Then I felt like a horrible person. Maybe he was looking for someone to talk to. I wasn’t the right person, but I could at least be nice. Maybe suggest he get help. But first I needed to know why he was here.

“What are you doing here, Colin?”

He didn’t respond right away. Just took several sips of his green smoothie. It looked like pea soup in a clear plastic cup.


“Trying to help myself, so to speak,” he finally said.


“By taking back my life. Facing the place where I was kidnapped.”

“How is that supposed to help you?”

“Hell if I know. It was my father’s idea.”

His father? The one who’d been ready to extort money from my brother? Great.

“Have you thought about getting some real help?”

“What do you mean?”


sp; “I mean seeing a therapist, Colin.”

He huffed. “My father says that’s only for cowards. Weaklings.”

Well, your father is a supreme douchebag. Seriously, it was on the tip of my tongue.

“So he thinks you should be helping yourself. Facing the music.”

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “In a manner of speaking.”

“In other words, ‘get over it.’ Right?”

He nodded.

His hair was growing out nicely. Tom had shaved his head. Colin had always been handsome, with blond hair and greenish eyes.

“Colin,” I said, “what exactly did your father think of you running out on Jade that day?”

“He told me I was a coward.”


“And were you?”


Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic