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“That was unfortunate. I was a different person then. I regret it.”

“Well, you won’t get the chance to try it again.” I pointed my gun at him.

“Kill me, Ruby, and you’ll never find what you’re looking for.”

“Maybe all I’m looking for is to send you to hell.”

He smiled again, and I gulped back nausea at the resemblance.

“Then do it, Ruby. Pull that trigger. Murder me in cold blood.”

I laughed. Actually laughed! “Cold blood? Are you kidding me? This would be the most hot-blooded murder ever committed. But I assure you, I’d get away with it. You broke into my house. Pure self-defense.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

What was I waiting for? I aimed the gun right between his eyes.

“Kill me, though,” he said, “and you’ll never discover the truth.”

“I know all the truth I need. You raped Gina. You tortured and raped Talon Steel. You tried to rape me. You’ve had something to do with the disappearance of those girls I met in Jamaica. You tried to have Brooke Bailey killed for insurance money. And God himself only knows what other heinous acts you’ve committed or had a part in.”

“I had reasons for everything I did, including letting you live all these years.”

“I’ve often wondered about that,” I said. “Why didn’t you have me taken care of long ago?”

He smiled. “A father’s pride.”

I scoffed, even though I knew he could have killed me at any time. Still, his statement rang with morsels of truth. “Please.”

“It’s true. You’re strong and determined. I’ve watched you since you left. I helped keep you safe.”

“I kept myself safe, you shithead.”

“Did you never wonder why, as a fifteen-year-old girl, you were never caught? Never arrested? Never violated?”

“I stayed under the radar.”

“Yes, you did. With a lot of help from me.”

That was bullshit. He was playing mind games. I had taken care of myself all those years. So I changed the subject on him.

“I’m not interested in your reasons for anything you did.” I cocked the gun. “Say goodbye, Daddy.”

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Continue the Steel Brothers Saga with Book Nine


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