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She cleared her throat. “Yes. Fine. I made breakfast.”

“So I smelled.” I smiled.

“I let the dog out and fed him too.” Her voice was stilted. “I’ll go out in the kitchen and get the food ready for you.”


got up, used the bathroom, and then put my jeans on. I wandered out to the kitchen barefoot.

Ruby was seated already, and two plates and two cups of coffee sat on the table.

“Looks great,” I said, taking a seat.

“Mmm,” she said, taking a sip of coffee.

The omelet was lukewarm but was still delicious and perfectly made. She had said she’d been cooking forever. Not everyone could make an omelet. God knew I couldn’t. I screwed it up every time.

I was nearly done before I realized she hadn’t touched hers.

“Not hungry?”

She looked up as if startled. “Not really. Hey, I’m sorry to do this to you, but I have to leave. Something has come up at work.”

“Oh.” I tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice. “If this is about last night…”

“No. I promise you it isn’t. It’s work related. Something I have to look into right away.”

“All right. I’ll miss you.”

She smiled timidly. “I’ll miss you too. I really will.” She finally took a bite of her eggs and ate about half of the omelet before she stood. “I’ll clean up in here. Then I need to get moving.”

“Baby, don’t worry about it. I have a housekeeper.”

“Oh?” Her brows arched. “I keep forgetting how loaded you are.”

“It does come with some benefits. So don’t worry about the mess.”

“All right. If you say so.” She wandered down the hallway.

I got up, put our plates in the sink, and then went to the bedroom, thinking I might catch her in the shower. By the time I got there, though, she was nearly all the way dressed.

“No shower?” I asked.

“No. I mean, I already washed the world from my shoulders—or tried to, at least—in the middle of the night. I figured I could skip it this morning. I’m in a hurry anyway.”

I pulled her to me. “You’re not getting out of here without giving me a kiss.” I smashed my lips down onto hers.

She struggled for a bit but then opened for me.

What was wrong?

Surely this still wasn’t about last night.

I drew her out with the kiss, and the old Ruby seemed to be returning, until she pulled away abruptly.

“I’m sorry. This can’t wait.”

“All right. Can I see you tonight?”

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic