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“Your world is just so… violent.”

“Not all the time, though I did warn you I like danger.”

Julian nodded. I couldn’t expect him to accept me and my family this fast. Beau had already been in this life, and Henri took a while to come around to it even after surviving on the streets.

Julian was so innocent. Normally our paths would never have crossed, but I was damn glad they had, and I was going to show him that even a mild-mannered librarian could enjoy everything I could provide.

“Come on. Let’s go inside.” I opened my door and stood, and Tony leapt over the console and reached for me to pick him up.

A moment passed before Julian opened his door. “I’m really not sure…”

“Beau’s great, and so is everyone who works for him. Don’t worry about it.”

We entered from the back, directly into the garage workspace. I watched Julian look around in amazement. There was a 1980s Camaro, a Plymouth Roadrunner, and a Porsche Boxter in the bays.

“I told you you’d like it here.”

“Lance! Did you just get here?”

“Hey, Beau. Where’s Dax?”

“He’s in the office waiting to talk to you.”

“Has Corbin filled you in on what’s up?”

Beau nodded. “I suppose this is your librarian.”

The way he said your librarian made me smile. Julian was mine even if he didn’t know it yet.

What had Corbin said to Beau to make him realize I wasn’t just protecting Julian? Maybe it was obvious from the fact that I’d brought him to Remington’s instead of sticking him in a safe house or at home with guards.

I hadn’t even liked being away from Julian for the morning. I’d put some of our best men in place to guard him, but that wasn’t good enough.

I put an arm around Julian. “This is Julian. Julian this is Beau. You met Corbin last night. Beau is his fiancé.”

Julian was looking at Beau with trepidation. The man was big and damn intimidating, but he was a good friend. Julian was in no danger from him.

“I’m not as mean as I look,” Beau said.

“Oh, no. I… I don’t think…”

“Being scary as hell makes it easier when the customers get out of line.”

“I suppose you probably have some very… um… interesting customers.”

He laughed. “Maybe not as interesting as you’re imagining. Some of them are just little old ladies who need some dents taken out.”

“They can be some of the scariest ones.” Sam joined us. She was Beau’s best mechanic and the person he left in charge more and more these days since Corbin insisted he not work seven days a week.

“I’m Sam. I would shake your hand but…” She held her hands up, showing Julian how they were covered in grease.

“That’s okay. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Julian.”

“I’ve heard a bit about you from Corbin.”

I could only imagine the things Corbin might’ve told her. “I hope you didn’t take him seriously.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t believe half the things he says.” She focused back on Julian. “I know this is a long way from the library, but you’re safe here.”

“Could you show Julian around a little bit while I talk to Dax? He enjoys cars, and he’s a model enthusiast.”

Sam beamed. “Awesome.”

“You don’t have to do that if you’re busy,” Julian said. “I mean, you’re probably busy. This is where you work and all, right?”

“We couldn’t run the place without her,” Beau said.

Sam grinned. “That’s the truth. Come on. I’d love to show you around.”



My mouth hung open for most of the tour. I hadn’t realized there was a second garage behind the first. The cars located there were just as exquisite. After she told me all about a 1979 Corvette they were restoring, she introduced me to Beau’s younger brother, Travis. He was very quiet and reserved, but Sam clearly respected his skills.

We were still talking to him about the Corvette when the sound of Lance’s voice drew my attention. “I turned to see him, Beau, and a man who looked similar enough to Lance that I guessed it must be his cousin Dax.

Travis stopped speaking midsentence, and I turned to him. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”

“I… um…” He nearly dropped the wrench he was holding, just managing to catch it with his other hand.

“Are you all right, Travis?” Dax asked.

Travis’s cheeks had gone bright red. “I’m fine. Just fine.”

“You need some help?”

“Oh, no. I got it.”

“Why don’t we head on back to the office so Travis can work in peace?” Sam suggested.

Dax studied the young man for a moment before nodding. “Right. Sure. See you later, Travis.”

“Yeah. See you. Um… yes.”

Was I that wrecked over Lance? I hoped not. I also hoped Dax planned on doing something about Travis’s attraction.

“So what did you think?” Lance asked, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close.

“They have some awesome cars here. That Charger Travis is working on… Wow.”

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance