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As far as I’m concerned, it was a one-time deal.

As for him inputting his number into my cell at the end of the evening, I can’t actually imagine calling him. Even if I did need help.

I grab my phone and fire off a text to the group chat, wondering where all of my roomies have disappeared to. Madison responds almost immediately that she’s with her boyfriend and I shouldn’t wait up for her (she adds a winky face and a few food emojis I won’t bother to mention), Sienna is with her study group, and Kari went to see a movie with a couple girls from the floor.

Looks like I’ve got the place all to myself. When you share a suite with three other people, alone time is a rarity.

As I peel off my jacket and push open the door to my room, I take two steps inside the dark space when a voice snaps, “It’s about damn time you got back. I was just about to come looking for you.”

Chapter Eighteen


A high-pitched scream fills the air as I rise to my feet from the pink fuzzy chair near the window I’ve been lounging on, waiting for her to finally make an appearance.

“Relax,” I grunt, still pissed off, “it’s me.”

A shaky inhalation leaves her lips as she almost collapses near the door. A sliver of light from the common area falls over her startled features. “Carson?”

“Who the hell else would it be?” Cause if there’s another guy making himself at home in her room, I want to know about it.

And then I’ll kill him with my bare hands.

Her shoulders jerk back as she straightens to her full height, which is still a good six inches shorter than me. Elle is tall for a female, which gives her slim body a willowy look.

“What are you doing here?” The fear that had been filling her voice moments ago dissolves as her tone turns sharp. I’d bet money our last interaction in the parking lot is rolling through her head. “And how exactly did you get in here?”

The need to be closer thrums through me as I stalk toward her. “Your roommates let me in before they took off.”

She plants her fists on her hips. “I’ll be sure to have a word with them. They shouldn’t have done that.”

When I advance another step, her eyes widen, and she scrambles back in retreat as if only now realizing that she should keep a healthy distance between us.

“Actually, you should be glad they did.”

Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips. “And why is that?”

“If they hadn’t, I would have driven all over this damn town until I found you.” There’s a pause as the tension filling the air ratchets up, turning the atmosphere oppressive. “Want to know what I would have done after that?”

She gulps before giving her head a violent little shake.

“Why not? Aren’t you interested to know what would have happened?” Fury bleeds into every bitten off word. Even remembering how worried I’d been only fans the flames of my anger.

“No.” When I’m close enough, her palms slap against my chest as if her will is enough to keep me at bay.

Guess what?

It’s not.

Elle has no idea how far she’s pushed me tonight. I spent most of my time here pacing the small area, all the while tearing my hair out and thinking about all the terrible things that might be happening to her.

“That’s too damn bad, because I’m going to tell you anyway. Consider it fair warning for the next time you decide to do something stupid.”

“Stupid?” she gasps, shoving at me for a second time with all her might.

“Yeah, that’s right, stupid. If I’d gone out and searched for you, you better damn well believe I would have found you. Once that happened, I would have thrown you over my shoulder and carried you out kicking and screaming.” My face looms closer. “Then I would have spanked your ass for taking off with a guy who is practically old enough to be your father.”

She gulps, eyes flaring wide before whispering, “You wouldn’t have dared.”

I arch a brow, challenging her to tempt me into proving it. “Do you really want to test that theory?”

Her bravado wavers as she bites down on her lower lip. “No.”

“Smart girl. Before this conversation goes any further, I want to know where the hell he took you. And so help me if you say it was back to his place.” A growl rumbles up from deep within my chest even thinking about the possibility. Elle is too damn naïve for her own good. As much as I love it, it’ll ultimately be my undoing. It’ll be what pushes me into taking her for myself.

The delicate column of her throat works as she gulps. With the shaft of light streaming in, I can almost see the pulse fluttering beneath the fragile flesh. “We went to a restaurant.”

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance