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“The same way I know about the stolen cannoli. Didn’t I tell you not to eat sweets for breakfast?” I dodged the slap to the back of the head with a laugh and made my escape.

Damn, what the heck is going on now? It’s like playing hide and go seek with a tiger. Gabriel Russo being that tiger. The guy’s always been volatile, like a powder keg ready to go off. Something you can sense just beneath the surface if you get close enough, but his control is Grade-A. At least it was until now.

I’ve always known there was something going on with him, something he doesn’t share with anyone, not even the sisters he’s so close to or the dad he idolizes. I didn’t realize until they started worrying about him here lately just how serious the situation really was. But then Gia walked into the picture, and there was another change.

Whatever it is he’s battling; it’s obvious that his family, to some extent, expect his involvement with her to fix it. I’ve long stopped trying to figure out what’s been eating him all these years. I just made up my mind to be here, to stand between him and whatever as much as I can.

I do know one thing, though, and I’m sure if Aunt Sophie and the twins don’t know it as well, Uncle Draco does, and that’s that nothing can change Gabe Russo’s mind once it’s made up. I also know he would never use Gia because even if he’s not ready to accept it, he’s either already fallen or headed there fast. Which, I’m not sure if they know, is a whole other can of worms.

Who I should feel sorry for now is Victoria and her mom and maybe Felix Fontane. I don’t see him getting off easy because he’s Gia’s blood. Hopefully, the twins will keep me appraised of what’s going on and not wait until the last minute like they did today, and I can keep my brother out of trouble. Yeah, me! Hide and seek with a tiger.

I’d better have dad invite Gabe over for a game of chess. He’s the only one who seems able to calm him the heck down. I sighed long and hard as I made my way back to the den of the beast and put my game face on. If he knows that half the people in his family have me keeping an eye on him, he’d skin me.

Everyone knows, though, that Gabe is my first priority, that nothing and no one can come between us. It’s because they know this I guess that I’m the one they’ve all asked independent of each other that I keep an eye on him. “What’re you and my sisters up to?”


“You didn’t go to your room.” Well shit!


“How do you know where I went? You keeping tabs on me?”

“Lance.” He rolled his eyes and looked around the room, stalling for time, no doubt.

“How’d you know that clown was at the door?”

“Okay-okay, the girls forgot to tell him not to show up here after your talk with them last night. They only remembered when the doorbell rang and signaled me to follow you.”

That was enough of an explanation for me since I never doubt his word. Doubt not the man you choose to be your friend. I didn’t ask him anything more because if there was something important, he would’ve told me. Instead, we left to go join the others. I was a bit torn after that little dustup about leaving her, but there was something I needed to do.

Only Pop was downstairs waiting when we made it back. “Where’s everyone?”

“Women, they’re still getting dressed. I think they’re making a fuss over Gia.”

“A fuss over Gianna, what do you mean?”

“Calm down; they’re just getting her dressed.” I didn’t know if I should stay or go see about her. In the end, I rushed back upstairs, which was entertainment for these two.

I knocked on the guestroom door and walked in to find the women congregated around her. I didn’t know what they were doing until I walked over to see what Sheila, the ringleader, was up to. She’d done something to her hair. It looked like she’d braided a big chunk of it, then used that braid to tie the rest of the length into a high ponytail. The effect was stunning.

Gianna looked up at me when I walked in with a hesitant look on her face. At that moment, I wondered how often or if she’d ever had someone compliment her on anything. The question left me sad, so I can only imagine how she felt being the one in that predicament. “That’s awesome, Sheila. It really suits her.” Like hell, I’m giving her flowery words in front of this bunch, but they were there, all the same, locked away in my thoughts.

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance