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Finally, he looked at me.

I stood there, locked in a silent battle, unable to look away from those dark, penetrating eyes.

Only when the footsteps had faded did Michael speak.


He didn’t leave me any choice. He simply took my arm and propelled me forward, up the aisle and into the hallway, then out and down the steps. I could barely keep up. He made an impatient sound and took my bag from me, guiding me not so gently into the waiting limo. Even Tiny looked worried as I caught his eye, before I was placed firmly into a seat, my seatbelt fastened into place.

“I can do that myself!”

“Can you?” He said mildly, leaning back in his seat. “You need a damned tracking device. I will have to ask Vincent where he got his.”

I gasped at his audacity.

“A tracking— I’m not a pet!” I sputtered indignantly.

“But you could be,” he said, raising a brow. My jaw dropped. He had nerve! And that was before he let his eyes slide over my body. “I should put you over my knee for that stunt.”

“Don’t you dare touch me!” I said, ignoring that my heart was pounding. Not from fear. From excitement. Ignoring the fact that I had never felt so alive.

“Oh, but I do dare,” he said, reaching for me. I squeaked as I found myself in his lap. He held me firmly and then leaned in to kiss me. I pulled back and he smiled.

Suddenly I was face down. His large warm hand came to rest on my bottom, sliding easily over the thin wool skirt. I gasped at the intimacy of his touch. It felt good. It sent signals firing down my body.

And then he slapped me. I was in shock as his hand rested against my bottom as he paused. He lifted it again and bam, down it came, striking my bottom with just enough pressure to sting.

Michael was spanking me.

“Let me go!” I said furiously.

“No. Not until we have an understanding,” he said, maintaining firm pressure on my lower back as his hand rested calmly on my cheek. I squirmed but he only chuckled. I felt the pressure of his body responding underneath me and froze.

“Go ahead and wiggle around. I don’t mind,” he said in a rumbling voice. I let out a stream of curses in Italian that would make a nun faint. It only made him laugh louder.


“Theresa!” He mocked, bringing his hand down on my tush with a loud thwack. I was bright pink all over. The craziest thing was, I liked it.

And I hated that I liked it.

“You will never run away from me again,” he said, bringing his hand down again.

“You will never make me worry like that again,” he said, punctuating his words with yet another slap.

“You will behave yourself as a Margarelli. You will be loyal and faithful to me. And if I ever catch you flirting with another man, so help me God…”

Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

Michael was... Jealous?

He stopped. I was barely breathing. Suddenly I was lifted and turned to face him. I stared at him, my eyes full of angry tears that hadn’t fallen. The look on his face was stern, but tender, and full of heat.

He rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip. Every part of my body felt alive.

“I don’t want you to kiss me,” I said defiantly.

He smiled.


His hands slid over my shoulders to my arms then down to my hips and back up again. He looked me over, brushing my hair away from my face. Then he tipped my chin up and lowered his lips to mine.

The kiss was unlike anything I had ever imagined. It started slow, but with an intensity that took my breath away. He didn’t waste any time, his tongue exploring my mouth, until I was kissing him back, our tongues tangling in a battle of wills that we both lost.

And we both won.

“Tiny. Take the long way home,” he rasped out after pressing the intercom. My eyes were wide as he started to push my clothing aside so he could get at my most sensitive parts. I was breathless as he opened my shirt and slid one hand under my skirt. He tugged my bra cups down and made a sound of pure animal lust.

I whimpered as his fingers skimmed my panties, stroking me through the thin fabric. It was so much more erotic than touching myself. It was too much for me.

I was lost.

That was before he lowered his mouth to my breasts and started to lick and suck at them. I was mindless, writhing, clinging to his strong, muscular arms as he pleasured me, carefully holding himself back.

And then he stopped.

“You can head back now, Tiny.”

I stared at him, my chest heaving, feeling utterly exposed. He still had his hand up my skirt, but was pushing my panties aside to explore me more fully. I made a mewling sound I had never heard before as he watched me carefully, touching me in a way I had never been touched before.

Tags: Joanna Blake Erotic