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Not mad at all.


Theo Perez

Maverick’s ass tasted so fucking good. Coño, I wanted him to suffocate me with it. All of it. I lapped at him, tongue-fucking him while my finger probed deep. His body shook on top of me, his moans further fueling the fire that spread through every single cell in my body. Consuming me. I could feel the heat of the flames licking at my skin, the same way I licked at Mav’s.

“Like that?” I said, knowing the vibrations of my voice against his hole would make his eyes roll.

“Mhmm, yes, oh fuck,” he managed to say.

He was nice and wet, wet enough for me to push a finger in without any resistance. His silky soft warmth wrapped around me, pulling me in deeper. I pushed in deeper, curling, pressing against his walls, against the swollen button.

“Oh fuck!”

There we go. I rubbed harder, still licking around my finger, biting at his cheeks. I added another finger, which he took with ease.

That was my boy.

My index and middle finger were knuckle-deep inside him. His balls were no longer on my face, not with how tight they’d gotten. I shifted so that I could suck on one, looking up at his leaking cock, past it, and at the sex-drunk man above, his eyes turned to the ceiling and his lips forming a perfect and permanent O. He rubbed his chest, fingers rolling his hard nipples.

Coño, I’m one lucky fucker.

I didn’t want him to bust. Not yet. And judging by how flushed his chest and neck were getting, he wasn’t too far.

I pulled my fingers out and kissed his thighs, nipping at the skin. His cock throbbed in the air above my face. I turned my attention there, licking up his shaft. He shifted on me so he sat on my chest. I leaned forward, lapping up the precome that leaked from his tip.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” Mav said, one hand reaching behind him and finding my hard dick, the heat of his palm feeling like magic around my shaft. He stroked as he came down to kiss me, his cock pressing against my chest.

“Jerk me off, that’s it, papi.” My words fell out in a growl. Maverick shifted back on the couch so that he could grab us both in his hands. His steel length pressed against mine, making me chew on my lip as a wave of pleasure crashed over me.

Behind him, on the ceiling, a distant part of my brain registered something. A spark of an idea. A break in a pattern.

“God, I’m so fucking close, Theo. So close.”

His words came out in a husky breath. My core tightened like a spring ready to snap. He wasn’t the only one close to the edge.

“That’s it, papi, rub my cock. Here, sit on me, rub your ass over me. That’s it, baby.” He rubbed back and forth on my dick, sliding it between his legs, underneath his balls. I reached up and rubbed his pink chest, my hands gliding over his pebbled nipples. I took one between my fingers and twisted.

He ground down on me harder. Harder.

Fuck, oh fuck.

“That’s it,” I urged him, dropping my head back. Ecstasy clouded my every thought, the edge of my climax slamming into me with full force.

“I’m gonna come,” I said. “Swallow it, baby.”

I reached up and put a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down. His lips made it just in time, wrapping around the head of my cock as I exploded. My grip around his neck tightened, my nuts emptying down Mav’s throat. He took it all, every last pump, licking the drops that followed once it was over.

Except, it wasn’t exactly over. Maverick’s cock still hung heavy and hard between his legs, throbbing. He was close, too, and I wasn’t about to let him have all the fun.

“Get over here,” I said, grabbing his thighs and lifting him back up my body so that his cock was against my lips. I kissed him first, every inch of him, looking up into his sexy amber golden eyes, wanting him to know how much I fucking loved doing this for him.

Then, I took him in my mouth, running my hands up and down his body, settling on his ass and pushing him deeper into my mouth. I could taste him getting closer, and more and more precome coated my tongue. He chewed on his bottom lip, fucking my face, hands cupping either side of my face.

I gargled him, swallowed him whole, down to his tight balls.

He didn’t last much longer. His head fell back, and I could tell he worked hard to suppress a shout, biting onto a finger as he blew his load.

Just like him, I swallowed everything he gave me. He went down easy, quenching my thirst.

Tags: Max Walker Romance