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“Below stairs, the last time I spied him. He was on his way to break his fast with the object of your affection.”

Sophia dropped the brush she’d been dragging through her hair, and it landed with a clatter on the hardwood floor. “Why would he do that?” she breathed to herself.

“Why, indeed?” Ronald asked. He clucked his tongue at her. “I, for one, am grateful he showed up when he did. It’s exhausting keeping up with you all by myself. And now that there are two of you…” He let his voice trail off.

“Me and Marcus?” She spun to face him.

“Claire is here,” he said with a wide grin. Blast his hide. He was enjoying his cryptic little game much more than he should, and she was allowing him to get under her skin.

“Where?” Sophia bit out, then worked to calm her temper.

“Below stairs, storing her belongings, the last time I saw her.” Below stairs? Why on earth would she be below stairs? But before she could ask, Ronald jerked a chair closer to the window, thrust the pane open, and hurled himself over the side. Sophia ran to the window and looked for him in the shrubbery. Gnomes were surprisingly agile. They could very nearly bounce when vaulted from a great height. That was probably why they were such great climbers. They had no fear of falling.

“Are you all right?” Sophia called softly. Ronald jumped from the shrubbery and began to brush himself off.

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you,” he called back with a wide, toothy grin. He cupped a hand around his ear and looked at her expectantly.

Blast his hide. Garden gnomes were insufferable.

A quick knock heralded Margaret’s arrival, just before the door was thrust open and the errant maid slipped inside the room. “Where you have been?” Sophia barked.

Margaret just arched a brow at her. “I was returning a lost dressing gown to His Grace.” She heaved a disgusted sigh.

“Did you see him? His Grace, I mean?”

Margaret fumbled about the room, picking up here and there. “No. I saw Simmons. I don’t think he likes me.”

“Since when has that mattered to you?” Sophia mumbled.

“He’s a handsome man,” Margaret said, her voice somewhat winsome as she stared off into a distance that Sophia couldn’t see.

Sophia snapped her fingers in Margaret’s face. “Hello,” she called.

Margaret jerked herself from her reverie. “You don’t have to shout.” She took a deep breath. “You need to remain cautious around His Grace.” She held up a hand when Sophia started to speak. “I know it’s contrary to everything you’re feeling…” She narrowed her gaze at Sophia. “But these late-night meetings can come to no good.”

Sophia dropped heavily onto the edge of her bed. “I don’t know that I can avoid him now.” Tears pricked at the backs of her lashes. Somewhere this mission had gone terribly wrong.

Margaret sat down beside her and brushed Sophia’s hair from her forehead with gentle fingertips. “I saw your mother go through the same thing. I know it’s difficult for you. But you have to stay true to your mission.”

Sophia forced herself to focus. “My mother?”

Margaret sighed heavily. “Yes, your mother.”

“Tell me what happened to my mother.”

“Doing so could taint your current relationships. I cannot.” She shook her head. “But know that it causes immeasurable heartache. Avoid it at all costs.” She leaned close and looked directly into Sophia’s eyes. “Fae marry fae. Humans marry humans. It’s the natural order of things. It’s only when humans and fae mix and fall in love that things become difficult.”

“Why does it have to be difficult?” Sophia groaned. Why couldn’t she just enjoy getting to know Ashley and Anne? Why couldn’t she fall in love?

“What if it’s already too late?” What if she’d already broken Unpardonable Error Number Five? What happened in that case?

“Don’t follow in your mother’s footsteps,” Margaret warned. She stood up and reached for a dress for Sophia. “Let’s get you dressed. I fear there will be a small amount of havoc caused by Claire’s arrival. You’ll need to counter it.”

“Are you part soothsayer?” Sophia asked absently.

“No,” Margaret said with a chuckle. “I’ve just lived a long time and have seen a lot of things.” She tipped Sophia’s chin up to look into her eyes. “Heed my warnings. Falling in love with the duke will only lead to heartbreak.”

What if it was much, much too late?

Tags: Tammy Falkner Faerie Fantasy