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I grab the razor and stand tiptoe, steadying myself with one hand on his shoulder. “Stay still,” I whisper, and his eyes flick between me and a point in the distance.

The blade glides over his cheek, leaving smooth, sun-kissed skin underneath. I blow out air and lower myself to run it under the tap. When I turn back to him, he’s clenching the edge of the counter in a white-knuckled grip.

Fear, I think, but then I see the bulge under the towel and realize it’s not that. Looks like I’m not the only one affected by this game.

He had fear in his gaze earlier, when he told me about the accidents, coincidences, whatever they might be. Looks like I’ve sidetracked him. Good. Gives me time to think about his words.

What if he’s right? What if those were no accidents?

I shave his jaw, his chin, then start on his other cheek. He snags an arm around my waist to steady me, pressing our bodies together. The shaving foam smells of pines, and it mingles with the citrus of his soap and the spice of his skin. The razor rasps over his upper lip, and it’s done.

I put the razor down and trail my fingers over his smooth face, nuzzle his cheek. He chuckles and turns around to wash off the traces of foam. Water splashes, and suddenly I’m drenched and sputtering, backing away.

“You…” I wipe the water from my eyes, and he splashes me again.

“You look hot.”

“I’m not. It’s cool in here.”

“I mean, you look really hot, Ray.” He grabs me around the waist and carries me, kicking and cursing, to the shower stall. He pushes me up against the wall and cranks up the water. I squeal when it hits me, cold at first. He presses his naked body into mine, the towel having fallen somewhere on the way, and grips my jaw. “Smoking hot. Sexy as all hell. Damn fine.” He licks at my mouth, his other hand shoving my soaked blouse up. “I can’t get enough of you.”

He finds my breast and squeezes. It’s a bit rough, but it’s more pleasure than pain, especially when he rubs my nipple into a tight, throbbing point. I’m still worked up from going down on him before, and the combination of his rugged body pushing me into the wall, his rough kissing and his clever hand leaves me breathless.

When he thrusts a powerful thigh between my legs and switches to my other breast, I moan helplessly. He breaks the kiss and licks a path down my neck. I throw my head back, shivering.

Warm water trickles over us. My eyes roll up, finding the huge showerhead that’s spilling a gentle tropical rain over us. My eyes close as he unbuttons my shorts, while sucking on my collarbone, the thumb of his other hand still lost under my blouse, flicking on my nipple.

Overload. I don’t know what to do, how to keep still. I writhe as his hand pushes into my shorts and parts my folds, two fingers pushing into me.

Oh God. I’m so ready, so close to the edge. He pumps his fingers in and out of me, once, twice, and I thrash, coming hard, moaning his name. I grip his arms, the pleasure drowning me.

Next thing I know, he’s ripping my shorts down my legs and then my blouse over my head, and murmurs something as he runs his hands over my naked body. His hard cock bumps into my stomach. He grabs one of my legs and lifts is, spreading me wide. His fingers are back, stroking me, rubbing over my clit, then pushing in and out of me.

“Fuck, if you could see yourself…” he whispers, his eyes dark, the pupils dilated. “So sexy.”

Then he pushes into me, in one, deep, long thrust, and I choke on a cry. He pulls my leg around his thigh, and then the other one, opening me up, filling me up so completely there’s nowhere to run. Filling my world, swamping my senses. I have to surrender—to his cock, his hands under my ass, his body rocking into mine, grinding me into the wall.

It’s rough, and wild, and oh crap, I’m coming again, stronger

than before. Pleasure rips through me, and I convulse around his cock, clenching hard, barely managing to hold back a scream.

“Shit.” He hisses, his hips slamming me into the wall, his cock sliding in and out of me, hard and slick and hot. “I can’t… Oh fuck.”

He pulls out of me in one long drag that makes us both cry out, and then he comes all over my breasts and belly, shuddering. Jet after jet of cum hits me and runs down my body, down my hips and thighs, getting washed away in the gentle shower spray.

Braced with one hand against the wall, he’s still shaking with aftershocks, still pressed against me, his softening cock trapped between us.

“God, Ray.” His breath is coming in short gasps. “What am I going to do with you?”

I smirk up at him. “Make me breakfast?”

“I sure could do that.”

“And then take me to bed?”

He groans, the corners of his mouth lifting. “I’ll get rug burns on my dick if we keep doing this.”

“Rug burns?”

Tags: Jo Raven Sex and Bullets Romance