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“But first…” He lets the condoms drop on the mattress beside me and kisses me, a savage invasion, his tongue thrusting into my mouth, sending an aching pulse between my legs. Then he bows his head, breathing hard. “I need you naked. Under me.”

Oh God, yes. He pulls on the hem of my blouse, and I arch my back to let him take it off me. He tugs on my bra, and I reach behind me for the clasp, undoing it and freeing my breasts.

He licks his lips, draws in a ragged breath—then sits back on his heels and drags my shorts and panties down my legs. He throws them off the bed, and they land somewhere on the floor. I don’t care where.

I don’t care about anything but him, inside me. I feel like I’m going out of my mind, craving him like an addict.

I reach for him. My turn to undress him. His swollen cock pushes against the thin cloth, clearly outlined, and I rest my hands on it, feeling his thickness, his length, cupping him through the material. He stills where he’s kneeling on top of the covers, then hisses out a curse. His hands come to rest over mine as I tug on the waistband of his jogging pants.

“Let me,” I whisper.

Panting, he rests his fists by his sides and looks down, at my hands. The way he can’t seem to catch his breath, that’s so sexy. I wrestle the elastic over his hardness, and it juts out, flushed and big, the head wet with precum.

Oh wow. He’s going commando, I think dazedly, my mind misfiring. I stare at his cock—so hard, trembling against his belly, and my mouth waters—at the sight of him, at the musk of his arousal that’s filling my senses, the strain in the lines of his body as he fights not to move. I dance my fingers down the length of him, and he jerks, teeth gritting.

“Goddammit.” He grabs my wrists, his breathing coming faster, and he bares his teeth in a wolfish smile. “Have to be inside you now. I need it, Ray.”

No argument from me. I tug on his hold and he lets go. He reaches for the condoms and tears one open with his teeth, then sheaths himself. It shouldn’t be so sexy, how he rolls the rubber over his hard-on, but God, it is. I can imagine his strong hand wrapped around his cock, stroking and pulling, and a flush spreads over my breasts and neck.

Holy crap, I’m getting obsessed with watching him jerk off. Get a grip, Ray.

Then he’s pushing me down on my back, his hardness pressing between my legs, and my thoughts unravel again. Happens an awful lot around him, and now, with the head of his cock rubbing against my folds, it’d be a miracle if I can still manage the basics, like breathing.

“Look at me,” he whispers, leaning over me, the muscles in that perfect chest clenching, shadows flitting over his face as he drags his cock over my cleft, one slow, heavy slide that sends sparks flashing in my eyes. “Look at me, Ray.”

A moan escapes me as he does it again, and I blink, trying to focus on his face. “Okay.”

He lowers himself more, on his elbows, his hands framing my face. “Do you want me inside you? Say it.”

Oh God. My breasts ache, my sex clenches. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“I want you.” I swallow. “Inside me.”

“That’s it. I’m gonna fuck you now,” he whispers, and I shudder. “Ready?”

He gives me no chance to reply, instead dipping his head, licking at my mouth. The kiss starts of soft, then goes hard and deep. He sucks on my upper lip, then the lower. His tongue collides with mine.

Good thing I never got to reply, because nothing could prepare me for the long, burning slide of his cock entering me. I arch on the bed, lifting my knees to his sides, taking him in. He releases my mouth, letting my cry break free, still pushing into me, filling me up until I can’t take any more.

I claw at his shoulders, needing something to ease the impossible pressure inside me. “Storm…”

He shifts, pulls back an inch or two, and slams back inside. My hips lift clear off the bed and a wail leaves my mouth. It’s pain and pleasure, a fine edge that cuts through me, leaves me reeling. I tremble beneath him, try to move, but I’m pinned like a moth to a canvas.

“Beautiful,” he breathes and pushes himself up again, drawing out, pushing back inside. And again. “So beautiful.”

Oh God, yes. The pressure transforms into blinding pleasure, and I rock up to meet his thrusts. His eyes go hooded and his mouth tense as he grabs one of my legs and wraps it over his hip. His next thrust pierces me so deep I cry out his name.

Shit, shit. I’m going to fall apart. The clenching starts in my core, spreading outward, ripples and waves.

He grunts. “Oh fuck, I can feel it. I can feel you.” His movements grow faster. He’s pounding into me, his jaw clenched, his chest glistening with sweat, the muscles in his arms quivering as he fucks me hard. “Come for me, Ray.”

And I do. I moan when the pressure snaps, and my body goes supernova. Unintelligible words tumble from my mouth. I thrash and rock, the pleasure drowning me. It goes on and on. He slows down for me, lets me contract around his hard length until I think I will weep from it.

Then he picks up the rhythm again, plunging into me so hard the bed rattles. I’m still clenching around his cock, shuddering with the aftershocks, when he mutters a curse and shudders, buried to the balls inside me.

“Fuck…” He jerks, his hips rolling in one long, deep thrust. “Oh Goddamn, Ray…”

Tags: Jo Raven Sex and Bullets Romance