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Stop being paranoid, I tell myself. You’ve been fine. A wet dream won’t kill you.

I splash my face with cold water. Open the bathroom cabinet, look at the bottles of pills.

Close it again.

I’m fine.

“Your mom would have wanted you to have a full life.”

Christ. Why can’t I get my father’s words out of my head?

Or the memory of kissing Brylee. It’s been playing on a loop since that day, threatening my sanity. She tasted of chocolate and sexy woman, and what she said…

“No one has kissed me.”

I was her first. The thought shouldn’t get me all worked up every time it echoes in my head, shouldn’t get me all hard and possessive.

But it does. It seems I have no control over the caveman side of me. I want to be her first, the first to kiss her, touch her, fuck her, claim that sweet pussy as my own.

I wonder if I’d be Riddick’s first, too.

I bow my head and groan. “Listen to yourself, Ryan. Jesus Christ.”

Maybe it’s the stress at work and no sign of a day off.

My supervisor mentioned something about a promotion, but first I have to prove myself, apparently. More than usual. I have more cases than ever, work has been piling up, and the weekend is looming like a nightmare instead of an oasis of relaxation and rest.

And I haven’t talked to my father since our argument last time. He called me a few times. I found the missed calls. I never called back. In fact, I texted him to let him know I wouldn’t make it to our weekly lunch this week.

What the hell am I doing?

My heart starts pounding again, and I curse as I grab the razor to shave myself. My hand is shaking.

I put the razor back down.

I’m okay. Everything’s okay.

Half of the battle is believing. Hey, I’m working on it…


I’m out of the office a lot, in meetings and more meetings. Once, when I get back behind my desk, I find a small cardboard box decorated with hearts under some paperwork in front of my computer, and my heart misses a beat, thinking it might be from Brylee.

Stupid reaction.

Inside are little black things that look like charcoal—or maybe fossils? I sniff one, and am surprised to discover there’s a faint scent of cinnamon to them.

That reminds me again of Brylee, and I resolve to ask my often-absent office-mate if he saw Brylee bring this box in, but then I get buried under a ton of work again and besides, he doesn’t come back.

Later, as I pass by, I find a note stuck to his keyboard: “In meetings.”

Looks like I’m not the only one getting overworked around here.

Despite the endless tasks piled on top of me, I take off to the gym later in the afternoon, and won’t admit to myself that it’s not just for the exercise.

That I hope to see Brylee, or Riddick.

And what will you do if you see them? You kissed her and freaked out so badly you locked yourself up in the bathroom.

Tags: Jo Raven Hot Candy Erotic