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A silence falls on the living room, and I wipe hastily at my eyes.


“I know, it’s stupid. But it’s the truth, and I can’t fight it anymore. I love them both.”

“It’s not stupid,” Candy says gently. “I told you that many times. As long as you love them and they love you, it’s not stupid at all.”

“But Ryan doesn’t. I mean, I don’t know how he feels, but he keeps acting weird.”

“Like a douchebag, you mean,” Jet mutters, his look murderous.

I shrug. It’s true. He does act like that, sometimes. And sometimes not. It’s enough to drive me crazy.

“Maybe Riddick is the one for you,” Candy says. “Maybe it wasn’t meant to be with Ryan. Maybe it’s for the best.”

But then why doesn’t it feel that way?


“Who’s calling?” Simone growls into the phone. “Oh shit, is it my long-lost friend, Brylee?”

“Don’t sound so excited to hear from me,” I grumble. “It’s not like you called me, either.”

“I was busy.”

“With what, your vibrator?”

“And if I was?”

I’m thrown by that, but only for a few seconds. “Well, I have real men trouble. You know, the people normally attached to penises?”

“I’ve met a few of those over the years.”


A sigh. “What happened now?”

I tell her. I tell her everything I can remember, and that’s a lot, every detail branded in my memory. “I don’t know what to do,” I end my tale. “And I’m miserable.”

“Wait…you netted this Riddick, who by the way is gorgeous and kind and all sorts of sexy, but you’re moaning because you can’t net one more gorgeous and sexy guy? That’s your story?”

Well, put like that… “I can’t choose between them.”

“Lucky for you, it seems Ryan chose for both of you.”

He did, didn’t he? “There’s something weird going on. He’s all hot and cold, nice and interested one minute, short and distant the next. What does it mean?”

“That he’s not really interested.”

“You don’t know that.”

Another sigh. “See, this is why I stick to vibrators. See you in class, Bry. And you’d better start studying, or you’ll never pass the exam.”

Trust Simone to put my feet back on the ground. And darn, I had forgotten all about the lit class I’m taking, with all the hot sex and the boy trouble.

Poor me…


Tags: Jo Raven Hot Candy Erotic