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After a while, his chair scrapes back. “When you decide to tell me, I’m here.” He taps his fingers on the table. “And finish that coffee.”

Motherfucking babysitter.

I’m perfectly fine.

I wait until he’s out for sure before I let my head drop to the table top and close my eyes. What the fuckity fuck is going on with my mind?

My sister Gigi believes in harassing me via all available media if I don’t reply to her text messages and don’t return her phone calls, apparently.

Including appearing in person on my doorstep.

It’s dark outside when I let her in, rubbing at my eyes. I’d fallen asleep on top of my laptop in bed. When you’re tired, don’t decide to work in bed. Take it from me: big mistake.

Especially when every sleeping moment seems to consist of nightmares.

“Wassup, sis?” I scratch at my jaw. Man, I need a shave, badly. “Whatcha doing here? Where’s Jarett?”

“Rett’s at home, and that’s where I’m heading, after I’ve talked to you.”

“Okay…” The determined glint in her eye puts me on edge.

“You weren’t answering your phone.”

“I fell asleep. Not a crime, is it?”

She reaches up and pats my arm. She used to ruffle my hair, but I’ve grown much taller in the past two years. “You look exhausted, Merc.”

“I’m good.” I try to think. “Why are you here? Is everything all right?”

“Yes.” She fluffs up her long hair and smiles happily. Her eyes take on a dreamy sheen. “Yes, everything’s fine.”

“Lovestruck.” I grin. “The look becomes you, sis.”

She mock-punches me in the chest. “Oh shut up, you. I just wanted to check on you. We’ve barely seen you since you moved out.”

“You know me. All study, no play.”

“Should I believe that? What about the girl? Did you get the girl, Merc?”

Racking my brain, trying to remember if I ever told her about Cos. “What girl?”

“Oh come on, I’m not stupid. You’ve been moody like hell for the past year, you’ve dropped hints and I know you’ve talked to Matt. Also, you look less miserable these days. Pissy like a wet cat, granted, but not sad.”

“Compliments will get you nowhere,” I tell her.

“Ergo,” she continues, ignoring me, “you scored. Right?”

Yeah… but that sounds wrong. “Her name’s Cosima. We’re…” What, dating? Sounds so formal for all the sex and laughs and late-night movie marathons. “We’re together.”

Gigi looks delighted. “Oh boy. You’ve got it bad!” And before I can protest, she claps her hands, like a three-year-old. “Tell me about her!”

I’m not sure I should, not yet. I dunno what’s this thing we have going, and she’s mine. It’s a strangely possessive feeling.

But it’s Gigi, and she always gets her way, so I find myself talking about Cos, seated at the kitchen table and drinking strong coffee.

There goes any chance of sleeping tonight.

I tell Gigi how Cosima is funny, interesting, sexy. How she likes sci-fi movies and rock music and reads a lot, how she knows about mythology and foreign countries and…

Tags: Jo Raven Wild Men Romance