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“My goodness, those are awfully fast cars, aren’t they?” India commented.

“They are incredibly engineered automobiles—works of art, really—and yes, they are built for speed,” Carlton answered calmly.

“Carlton likes to go very fast. He used to race.” Colette took a bite of her grilled octopus and gave him an innocent look across the table.

Scheherazade glanced at Carlton, noticing the tension on his face.

“Oh dear. Have you ever been in an accident?” India asked, making up her mind right then that Scheherazade should never ride in this young man’s car again.

“Actually, I have,” Carlton replied.

“What happened? Hope you didn’t wreck one of those million-dollar sports cars.” Lucien laughed.

“It was a very unfortunate accident. But it taught me to be extremely careful. I don’t race anymore,” Carlton said.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Scheherazade said with a little smile.

“Well,” Colette interjected with a glint in her eye, “when you kill one girl and paralyze another from the waist down, it’s probably best not to, isn’t it?”

While Leonard Shang choked on his chardonnay and his wife froze as if she had just been turned into a pillar of salt, Colette flashed a smile at Carlton. It was a smile he knew only too well, and at that moment he realized that Colette Bing might call herself the Countess of Palliser these days, but she hadn’t changed one fucking bit.



Chloe made the call from her bathroom, with the shower turned on full blast. “Dad, you said to call…you know…if Mum was ever acting weird again.”

Charlie felt his gut tighten. “What happened? Are you and Delphine okay?”

“Um, we’re fine. But maybe you should come over.”

Charlie looked at his watch. It was just past eleven at night. “I’m leaving my office right this second. Be there in fifteen minutes! Do me a favor, honey. Stay with your mother?”

“Um, okay.”

Charlie could hear the fear in her voice. He raced to the house in his Porsche 911, the sports car careening dangerously along the hairpin curves and steep

hills all the way up to The Peak. He speed-dialed Isabel’s lead security officer, Jonny Fung, from his Bluetooth but it went straight to voice mail. All the while, his heart was beating a mile a minute as he dreaded what he would find when he arrived at the house. Isabel had been doing so well. Was this really another breakdown, or did she stop taking her meds again?

A few blocks from the house, Charlie got caught in a traffic jam as cars waited bumper to bumper. He leaned on his horn anxiously, and then decided, fuck it, he would cut onto the oncoming traffic lane. He raced past the line of cars and discovered that they were all trying to go to the same place—Isabel’s house. There was a cluster of people in front of the gates as Charlie pulled up. He jumped out of the car and approached the security guards stationed by the gate. “What the hell is happening?”

“Private party,” one of the guards said in Cantonese.

“Party? Tonight? I’m going in.”

“Wait a second, are you on the list? What’s your name?” the baby-faced guard asked, holding an iPad with a list of names glowing on the screen.

“My name? Jesus, get out of my face!” Charlie seethed, pushing past him and running down the driveway. Just as he reached the porte cochere of the house, three bodyguards in black suits suddenly appeared out of nowhere and jumped on top of him. “Got the crasher!” One of the guards said into his earpiece as he pinned Charlie’s face to the ground.

“Get off me! This is my house!” Charlie grunted as one of the guards held him in a knee-lock.

“Yeah right,” the guards laughed mockingly.

“Get Mr. Fung out here now! I’m Charlie Wu and this is my house! I sign all your paychecks!”

At the mention of their boss’s name, one of the guards started talking urgently into his earpiece. Moments later, the head of security came out of the house and began shouting, “That’s Mr. Wu! Get off him, you fucking morons!”

Charlie got up from the ground and brushed the dirt off his face. “Jonny, what the fuck is going on here? Why aren’t you picking up your phone?”

Tags: Kevin Kwan Billionaire Romance