"Mine. too." I said, rubbing my wrist, "And my
ring. Why did they do that?"
"Maybe they're jewel thieves. They took
Robin's watch, too. right. Robin?"
"Big deal. I stole it. I'll steal another first
chance I get." she said defiantly, looking at the closed
door. "I'm supposed to be at a school, a special school.
That's what the judge said." she shouted at the door.
"Not some dumpy, smelly building."
"Judge?" I asked.
She spun her head around to me so fast, I
thought it would just keep going in circles on her
"What are you, a scholarship winner or
something? Is that why you're here?"
I stared. confused.
"Hardly," I finally replied. "My uncle and aunt
arranged all this without telling me anything about it I
was drugged, kidnapped, and brought here." Robin started to laugh and stopped. "Did you
say drugged and kidnapped?"
"I know exactly what she means. That's how I
felt." Teal said. "My father arranged for me to be
transported here. He was nice enough to tell me I was
going to a special school, but my parents didn't even
let me take a change of clothing. Daddy had a hired
goon bring me to the airport and to the plane. Next
thing I knew, I was flying away and no one told me
where I was going. They kept the windows shut. too.
They gave me something to drink, and before I knew
it. I was asleep, so I was drugged. too. When I woke