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“I’ll think about it,” Derrick growls, pulling me close. I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me in his powerful arms. Our lips touch, and in the first tender caress of his lips, I know all I need to know.

His tongue strokes over my bottom lip and I open up to him, moaning softly as his hands pull me against his body. I’m exhausted, I barely slept last night, but it doesn’t matter as I press my body against his. I feel a tingle deep inside, but it’s more than just desire . . . it’s my heart.

“I love you,” Derrick whispers when we part to breathe.

“I know, and me too,” I reply. “Come on, take me to see your dad.”

As soon as we make it to the car, Derrick roughly pulls me into his lap, his warm kiss taking the breath out of my lungs in the chilly night air. I moan as he brings a hand up to cup my breast, squeezing gently as he kisses and nibbles down the line of my neck. I reach between us to trace the line of his growing cock in his jeans. Panting, Derrick breaks our kiss, pulling back to rest his forehead against mine. “Make no mistake, you are mine, Kat. Now and always.”

I nod, biting my lip. “Yours forever. And you’re mine too.”

He presses one more quick kiss to my lips in agreement. “Yours too.”

It seems to be the reassurance we both need, and he works to calm the heated tension sparking in the confined space of the car. “Can’t wait to finish this. But first, I’ve got an old man for you to meet.”

It’s a normal looking hospital room, but the giant of a man sitting in the chair next to the bed certainly isn’t. “Well now, we weren’t expecting you two to stop by,” Jacob says as he gets up. “I figured you’d be at home.”

“Yeah well,” Derrick says, scratching at his head, “Dad, this is Katrina Snow, my girlfriend. Kat, this is my father, Daniel King.”

Daniel sits up, smiling a little, and I see he’s wearing a t-shirt from Jacob’s team. “Check out the new swag,” he says with a grin before looking at me. “So you’re the one that’s making my boy see stars?”

I know I’m blushing but I step forward, shaking his hand. “Maybe so, sir, but he’s the one making me believe in fairy tales, that sometimes they do come true, even if they’re a bit messy.”

“Not messy,” Jacob says, grinning. “Just sometimes a little . . . dirty. And there ain’t a thing wrong with that.”

I smile a bit uncomfortably, it’s more than a little weird to know that my boyfriend’s father and friends have probably heard me say things I wouldn’t want a soul on Earth to hear, I guess I’ll have to get used to it for a bit until all of this dies down. “That’s true. So, are we still on for the game?”

“Actually, I had to turn in the box tickets to get the day off,” Jacob admits, “but we’ve got one more home game before the playoffs. It’s going to be chilly, and I’ll be honest, you’ll have to share the box with some other player’s guests, but it’s a big box. What do you say?”

“I say this old man will be ready for it, but only if you quit hovering about. Go on, you all get out of here,” Daniel says chuckling. “Leave me to heal and rest. And Jacob? Make damn sure you get into the playoffs.”

“You heard the man,” Derrick says, taking my hand. “Dad, we’ll come by sometime tomorrow.”

We leave, and at the elevator Jacob wraps his arms around me, nearly crushing me in a bear hug. “I’m happy for you. Take care of him, okay?”

“I will,” I groan, trying to hug him back but nowhere able to get my arms around his enormous torso. Still, I pound him on the back as best I can, touched that for such a fearsome football gladiator, he’s a big teddy bear inside.

Chapter 27


My hands are trembling with excitement as I turn my key in the lock to my place, letting me lead Kat inside. “Kat . . .”

She turns to me, placing a finger over my lips and looking at me saucily. “Derrick, fuck me. Make love to me. That’s all I need.” And she walks inside, heading for my bedroom. “Make me feel like the woman that you’ve reminded me I am.”

I can’t really argue, so I just watch in utter fascination as she sways her way across my living room, an utter sex goddess in oversized sweatpants. But it’s not the clothes, it’s the aura of sensuality that just seems to exude from every pore in her body. She’s the total package, the one I’ve always known was out there for me somewhere—sexy, intelligent, sweet, and overall, an amazing woman. Maybe I sensed all that way back on our first phone conversation on the air somehow and just didn’t realize what it meant yet. But I do now.

Tags: Lauren Landish Get Dirty Erotic