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I kept walking, but they continued to follow.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone anyway?" the one with the sunglasses continued. "You and your boyfriend have a fight?"

I walked a little faster, my heart thumping and echoing in my ears like a pipe being tapped with a wrench in my building. Suddenly, just as I was about to turn the corner, they pulled ahead of me and the door swung open. The one with the sunglasses stepped out and made a sweeping bow and gesture toward the car.

"Your chariot awaits. m'lady." I stopped. terrified.

"Ice!" I heard and turned to see Balwin running to catch up with me. He stopped, gasping for breath. "Sorry. I had to do something first," he said looking toward the car and the man with the sunglasses.

"Who's this? Balwin Noble? Can't be your boyfriend. He'd crush you," the man with the sunglasses said and laughed. His friend laughed, too,

"Forget it," the driver called to him.

"You missed out, honey," he told me and got into the car. We watched them drive off.

"I was watching out the front window and saw them slow down," Balwin said. "I'll walk you home."

I started to shake my head.

"I should have offered to anyway. My father gets me all wound up in knots sometimes. Sorry," he said and started. "C'mon," he urged.

We walked on together. Balwin with his hands deep in his pockets. "I'm going to go on a diet tomorrow," he said. "Really."

I smiled to myself and we walked on. Balwin doing all the talking, me doing all the listening, but feeling good, feeling warm and protected.

We said good night in front of the apartment building and I thanked him.

"I'll ask my father for the car tomorrow. When he hears I'm going on a diet, he'll be nicer to me."

"Okay," I said. "But don't make any trouble on my account." Balwin smiled.

"Can't think of a better reason for it," he said, leaned forward to give me a quick peck on the cheek and then turned and hurried away as if he had truly stolen a kiss.

Daddy got home earlier than I had expected. He was already in the kitchen, sitting at the table, eating what he had warmed for himself. My look of surprise appeared to him to be a look of guilt and worry. I guess.

His eyebrows lifted and he peered suspiciously at me. "Where were you. Ice? You didn't go and meet that Shawn again, did you? Your Mama didn't go and make another one of her special arrangements, I hop."

I shook my head.

"So, where were you?"

"Rehearsing," I said and entered the kitchen.

"Sorry I wasn't home to fix your dinner. Daddy." "That's no bother. What do you mean.

rehearsing? Rehearsing for what?"

I shrugged.

"C'mon, out with it," he said.

"I know I'm just wasting my time," I said. "Ice, what is this? What are you talking about?"

he asked slowly. I lifted my gaze from the floor and

looked at him.

"My audition piece for the New York school," I

Tags: V.C. Andrews Shooting Stars Horror