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“What are you doing? You said you were taking me home.” Fear flashes in her eyes, and I clench my jaw. Who made her so damn afraid?

“I’m taking you to a safe place until we can figure something out. You said you’re eighteen day after tomorrow?” She nods. “All right then.”

“I don’t have any money. Even when I turn eighteen, my situation isn’t going to change.”

“I told you I’d cover it. Just let me take care of this and sort out a better situation than that.” I glance around the neighborhood as we leave and try not to think about what I’m doing and how this could be a terrible mistake.

It’s a quiet drive back to Hollow Oak, and when we get to the gate, I put in my code. She watches me as they slowly open and sits up a little in her seat to look around.

“Where are we?”

“My house.”

“What?” The panic in her voice is clear.

“Listen, I have plenty of room, and you can stay here until we figure things out, okay? It’s obvious that whatever was about to happen today wasn’t your choice.”

She presses her lips together, not admitting to anything.

“Fine, you don’t have to tell me, but I can’t fix it if you don’t.”

I park the car in front of my house and go around to her side. When I open the door, she hesitates but finally steps out of the car and stands there expectantly.

“Come on in. I’ll show you around.”

I don’t have as many on my household staff as Boone does, and my property isn’t as luxurious. But I have a gate, and I like my privacy.

“This is Pierce.” I introduce Demi to my house manager, and he nods. “He can get you anything you need. All you have to do is ask.

“Pierce, this is Demi…” I pause, not knowing her last name.


“Miss Slater will be staying with us for a little while. Can you please make up the guest room upstairs?”

“It’s lovely to meet you,” Pierce says and nods. “I’ll go do that now.”

One thing I love about that man is he doesn't ask a lot of questions. Showing up with a half-naked minor isn’t exactly an ideal situation.

“Let’s get you some clothes first.” I try not to look at her dress and the curves that are nearly spilling out of it. “I’m sure I’ve got something you can wear.”

I hear the click of her heels behind me as we walk upstairs and down the hall to my bedroom.

“This is all yours?” she asks.

“Yeah, I’ve lived here for about three years now.”

“It’s empty.”

I let out a laugh. “Yeah, I haven’t really gotten around to decorating. My room is just down the hall from yours if you need anything.”

We walk into the master, and she stops in the middle to look around the large space while I go into the closet. I grab a couple of T-shirts and a sweatshirt, then a pair of shorts that I know will be too big but she can probably roll them at the waist. Once I’ve got a couple of things, I come out of the closet and see she’s gone.

“Demi?” Worry spikes, and I wonder if she got scared and ran.

“In here,” she calls and I follow her voice to the bathroom. “Sorry, just checking out your swimming pool.”

“Yeah it’s a pretty big tub. I’ve never used it.” I shrug.

“Seriously? I’d never get out of it. I lived in a foster family that had a tub one time. It was awesome.”

“Do you want to use it?”

“Now?” she asks, her eyes wide and maybe even a little hopeful.

“Why not? Here are some clothes; go for it. I’ll be downstairs in the kitchen when you’re finished, and you can come eat.” It looks like she might cry as she looks down at the ground. “Hey, are you okay?”

“You’re just being really nice to me.” She sniffs, and it breaks my heart.

I clench my fists at my sides because I can’t hold her. Instead I take a step back and nod at the tub. “Take your time. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”



I fall back onto the softest bed I’ve ever felt in my life, and the scent of Curt surrounds me. It’s intoxicating yet comforting because he’s being so damn kind to me. I can’t remember the last time someone was nice to me for no reason at all. I want to cry but I fight the tears. I’m scared that if I start I might never stop. I’m also not sure what kind of tears they will be. I’m a crazy mix of emotions right now.

I’m scared, happy, and a whole lot of other things I can’t explain. There’s also a chance I’m in a heap of trouble right now. No way Sherman is going to pay, which means I still owe the Shapovals. How could I ever ask Curt to hand over the money he offered me? Not after he saw my place and then brought me back to his because he didn’t think my home was safe.

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic