Page 52 of Almost a Family

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“Never again,” he answered, shaking his head. “It’s not the same this time, Molly. Let me show you.”

“Show me what?”

“That you’re it for me.”

The passengers had stopped moving; even the security guards stood watching the scene instead of putting bags through the metal detector. For Molly they ceased to exist. She only saw Jason’s dark eyes focused on hers, found herself gazing back, longing for him to say the right words this time. She cursed the hope that fluttered in her chest. She hadn’t let herself hope.

“That’s never been the issue,” she choked.

“Then I’ll prove it. I’ll put the house up for sale and let Mark buy out my share of the clinic. I can start over again, easily. It doesn’t matter where. I can come to Calgary and be with you, or we can go somewhere new and start over together. Whatever you want.”

He didn’t mean it. He couldn’t. Jason Elliot, Mr. Five Year Plan, wasn’t actually breaking ties and taking unknown chances, was he? She wanted to believe him. She’d never wanted anything more than to believe that he could trust her with their future. But a tiny part of her still nagged that it was too good to be true. She kept the distance between them, still wary.

“You’re just saying that to get me to agree.”

He started walking slowly toward her. “You’re right. I am. Because right now there’s nothing that matters half as much as being able to love you for the rest of my life. I’ll give it all up if you’ll marry me this time, Molly.”

He reached her and she had to tilt up her head to look into his eyes. He was serious. He was willing to give it all up to be with her. On her terms. Nothing ever could have meant more to her than the sacrifice he was willing to make to be with her. She swallowed, suddenly aware that her cheeks were wet with tears and that thirty-odd people were waiting with held breath for her answer. He hadn’t known she’d been planning to come back all along…and he was willing to uproot his life to be with her! She sniffed, laughed, turned to the security personnel and said, “You’d better get these people through. I won’t be boarding.”

A cheer went up through the crowd, voices laughing and hands clapping as she turned back to Jason, dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around his neck. “My answer’s yes,” she whispered, gasping when his arms lifted her feet clear of the floor and he kissed her, fully, jubilantly.

The crowd dispersed and he put her down. “I was so scared,” he murmured, pressing his forehead to hers. “I was sure you’d say no, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage without you. I thought after last night I didn’t stand a chance.”

“You mean it? We can start our life anywhere?”

He nodded. “It’ll take some arranging with the house and business, but nothing a good lawyer can’t handle.” He winked at her and she grinned widely. He dipped into his coat pocket. “I have something for you.”

Stepping away, he knelt down on the cold white tiled floor and opened the ring box with a stiff creak.

“This ring has waited six years to be on your finger. Don’t make it—or me—wait any longer.”

He took it out of the velvet and slipped it over the finger of the hand she held out. It was a perfect fit, even now.

He rose, still clasping her hand, turning the diamonds over with his fingers.

“Jason? You don’t need a lawyer.”

He stopped twirling and furrowed his eyebrows at her. “I don’t?”

“You don’t need legal counsel. You aren’t going to sell the practice or the house. I love your house.”

He stepped back, mouth gaping. Molly laughed, crossing her arms and pressing her fingers against her lips. He didn’t realize. Didn’t see that his willingness to sacrifice was all she’d really needed, and more than she thought he’d ever give.

“You don’t get it, do you?”

“I thought you wanted to stay in Calgary, look after your career…” His brows furrowed in confusion.

“I know that’s what you thought. But I can be a good lawyer anywhere. I love Calgary, but without you, it’s…” She broke off, swallowing the tears that gathered in her throat. “What I wanted, you silly man, is the choice. To know that what I wanted was as important to you as what you wanted. A partnership, equal billing. To know that together we could find a compromise.”

“And it took me six years to realize it.”

“Better late than never.”

“You really want to stay here?”

She smiled, feeling all the pieces click into place one by one. “I’d already decided to quit and leave Calgary. I don’t belong far away, in a job that’s cold and unfulfilling. I knew over a week ago that I wanted to come back and be closer to Kim and Sara and…you.” She raised her hand and touched his jaw tenderly. “But I couldn’t tell you. I needed you to offer that compromise so I could be sure. My heart broke last night when I thought I’d never get it. I was sure that if I got out of the way that there’d be room for you and Kim to be happy, because you both deserve that.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

Tags: Donna Alward Romance