Page 46 of Almost a Family

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“But Molly, it wasn’t…”

She raised her head, her eyes burning fiercely at him. “Don’t. The fact that this happened and neither of you told me…” She remembered asking Kim about it point-blank and receiving nothing but an evasive answer. “Even when I asked, Kim denied it.” Her voice rose

as she let the anger in. “You should have told me before I made a fool of myself.”

And before she’d hurt her sister. The only family she had. She’d just begun making amends. And now instead of closure so Jason and Kim could move on, all she’d done was come in and muddle things even further. She did know how things were between Jason and Kim. From the first moment she’d seen them together, they’d seemed to fit in a way she didn’t. Jason was good for Kim, and she would give him the family he wanted. It had been foolish of her to get in the way. Foolish of her to get involved with him at all.

She’d been the one to walk away all those years ago. Kim deserved someone like Jason who wanted the same things she did. Now Molly and Jason had slept together and she had that on her conscience as well.

“And why would it matter anyway? You don’t want me. You don’t want the life I have here.” His voice intruded, harsh and condemning.

That was what he thought, because that was what she’d wanted him to think. He couldn’t know how far it was from the truth.

“And what would Kim think if she knew you and I had sex all over that throw blanket?” She eyed him squarely, daring him to wither with guilt beneath her stare.

He had the grace to blush, but shoved his hands into his pockets, shrugging with a nonchalance she thought unbelievable. “She’d probably wonder what the hell I was thinking, setting myself up for hurt again.”

Molly sagged. She was hurt and humiliated, but she was too tired to be angry anymore. Three weeks of being on a constant emotional rollercoaster finally took their toll and she gave up.

“Maybe I’ll ask her,” she said sadly. “Before I leave in the morning.” She knew she wouldn’t. She’d never reveal to her sister what had just happened with Jason. She’d hurt Kim enough.

“Molly.” His voice gentled, but she couldn’t look up through the sudden prick of tears she felt when he said her name in exactly that way.

“I’ve got to go,” she said weakly. Deep down, she knew she was planning on leaving Calgary, leaving her job and looking for one that was more rewarding. But her personal life was shambles. She’d be somewhere closer to Kim, but she wasn’t sure anymore that Fredericton was it. Being this close to Jason… It wouldn’t work. If he finally moved on from her with her sister, it would be a painful death every time she saw them together until her heart simply withered away into nothingness. There was simply too much to deal with. And she’d dealt with it for long enough.

“So where does that leave us?” he asked hoarsely, perching on the edge of the sofa as their argument evaporated in the tiny shadows cast by what was left of the fire. His cheeks sagged in the dim light.

Molly saw his expression and felt the overwhelming sadness of the end. This was the end of the line for them. Things would never be the same. Only now she would say goodbye like she hadn’t before.

“We’re certainly not the same as we were three weeks ago,” she replied. “We were full of anger and questions and resentment. I think we needed to talk, to get things out in the open. And to realize that we’d never really moved on. But I came here tonight to say that goodbye, Jason. And I’m more sure than ever that it is the right thing to do.”

“I’m not.”

She smiled sadly at his determined tone. “You’re just mad that you’re not getting your own way. In the end, you’ll realize that this is what’s right.”

She walked over to where he was sitting and placed a soft hand on his face. His eyes closed at her touch and she knew despite her words, she was going to have to try to get over him all over again. Good luck with that.

“It’s better this way,” she said gently. “We’d end up hating each other. We’re better off letting it go without anger and resentment eating away at us, spoiling whatever’s left. You deserve the life that you want. With someone who wants the same things.” Like Kim, she thought, but didn’t say.

“Don’t,” he warned. “Don’t get all philosophical on me. You’re leaving. You’d better get back and get packed.”

She withdrew as if he’d slapped her. She’d tried to make this as amicable as possible, but the intensity of their feelings stood in the way of it. He was very clear on what he wanted now—his own way again. It should have made the final decision easier, but right now all she could feel was empty hurt.

“Thank you for all you’ve done, for me and for my family,” she whispered, her throat clogging with tears. “And Jason?”

He lifted his head, but his eyes were closed off and icy-cold.

“I’m sorry,” she choked out, then spun from the room. She fumbled with her boots and jacket in her haste to get out the door. Once it was shut behind her she ran for home, sobbing all the way.

Chapter Ten

Kim was still up and sitting in the kitchen having a cup of tea when Molly got home. Molly was in no mood to talk, about anything. She took the stairs two at a time, pulled out her suitcase and started packing.

When her sister knocked on the closed door, she sighed. “What?”

“Are you okay?”

Molly felt the tears start again and knew she could not face Kim right now. Things were too raw, the wounds too open. She swallowed the huge ball of emotion in her throat and tried a more chipper, “I’m fine, just packing.”

Tags: Donna Alward Romance