Page 43 of Almost a Family

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“You’re more beautiful now than you were then,” he said huskily, shaking his head. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Things change.”

“Some things don’t.”

She padded over to him on bare feet. When had she ever been this comfortable with a man? Certainly not since she’d left him. She was standing in the dusky light in nothing but a pair of tiny white panties and she didn’t feel the least bit of discomfort or awkwardness. From their first time it had been like this. All she felt now was anticipation. Because she knew. Knew what was in store.

“You’re a bit overdressed, don’t you think?” Her voice came out as a teasing sing-song and she couldn’t hold back the sexy laugh that escaped as his eyes widened. She unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down over his lean hips, taking his briefs with them. When they were gone, she reached for him.

“The blanket,” he muttered hoarsely in her ear seconds later. “The blanket, or so help me God I’m not going to be able to stand.”

She lay down on the blanket, her hair spread on the pillows, invitation clear. When he knelt beside her, his gaze never leaving hers, she knew she was in trouble. Glorious, bone-melting trouble.

This wasn’t one last time, not for her. She loved him again, heart and soul. Tomorrow was going to break her heart, but tonight…tonight would be the parting memory she’d take with her. Something much more beautiful than the bitter words six years ago. A celebration of the love they’d once shared.

His fingers slid along the inside of her thigh and she quivered. “Touch me,” she whispered, moaning when he answered her command.

His lips covered hers, swallowing her groan. When she thought she couldn’t possibly go another moment without breath, he pulled away and dropped kisses on her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. He pulled a taut nipple into his mouth and she arched, her body a perfect bow. Between his hands and his lips right now she was a quivering pool of sensations, all of her senses attuned to him. The way he smelled. The way his skin rubbed against hers. The sound of his breathing, heavy and aroused. The contrast of his dark hair against the creamy skin of her breasts. How could she possibly have forgotten how good this was?

Pulling away, he inched her panties down her legs until they were gone. When he covered her body with his she lost all perspective and guided him inside her, arching to meet him.

The sound of their breathing mingled with the music, pulsing through her like a throbbing heartbeat. Molly’s eyes stung with unshed tears as she realized she didn’t want this to be an end. She wanted a beginning. She loved him more now, if that were possible, and felt helpless to tell him. She would try in every way to show him, right now.

She put her hands on his hips, slowing the movements, drawing them out. “Love me,” she whispered, sliding a fingernail over the curve of his hip.

He stilled. She felt their contact, their link, as if everything in their bodies was centered on that one perfect point of union. When she thought she couldn’t possibly bear it any more, he whispered in her ear.

“I do.” And he started moving again, taking her up, up, and she met his hips equally, watching the glow of the flames flicker over his skin, seeing them dance in his eyes.

“Like this?” he murmured, twisting his hips and making her cry out.

“Mmmmmm,” was all she could manage, trying desperately to maintain the fragile thread of control.

His voice became a growl. “Like this,” he confirmed, twisting again and she gave up, gripping his shoulders with her fingers while she shattered beneath him.

He held on, took her over and followed with a final thrust so powerful it slid the rug six inches up the hardwood floor.

Molly turned her head towards the fire so Jason wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. She’d done this to feel whole again. To remember and take with her the sweet memory of loving Jason Elliot. Instead she felt only the emptiness of defeat. She had to leave tomorrow. But the simple fact was Jason wasn’t trying to convince her to stay. He was accepting her leaving and not even fighting for her. He was doing what she’d thought she wanted—letting her go.

He curled up behind her, covering her thigh with his, warming her skin now that the heated blood-rush of lovemaking was waning. Molly knew that to say anything at all would betray her emotions. She remained quiet, listening to his breathing at her shoulder.

Warmed by the fire, she fell asleep there. And woke an hour later.

She’d been asleep in Jason’s arms. Three weeks ago if she’d been told that she’d be sleeping with Jason again, she would have said, “Not in this lifetime!” But here she was, in a bigger mess than she’d been before.

Nothing had changed. She was still leaving; it was still over. What they’d shared had been nothing more than a beautiful goodbye.

Molly closed her eyes, taking a few moments to imprint the feeling of being in his arms on her heart. She slid out from their warmth, retrieved her underwear. As she dressed, she watched him sleep—his lips relaxed, his eyelashes on his cheeks. The beautiful form of him on the blanket. He had been hers. Tonight she had been reminded of all she’d thrown away… All it would have taken even all those years ago was for him to compromise, just a little. To let go of all the plans and just let them be. But he hadn’t. And he wouldn’t. So she buttoned her blouse and prepared to leave.

“Going somewhere?”

The husky note in his voice stopped her at the door to the living room. She answered without looking at him.

“I should get back to Kim’s. I haven’t finished packing, and my flight leaves early.”

“At least look at me, Mol.”

She heard rather than saw him rise up to sitting on the blanket behind her, and felt his stare burrowing into the back of her head. She closed her eyes against the knowledge that what she’d said had sounded cold.

Tags: Donna Alward Romance