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I slip into a pair of red skinny jeans and a black, vintage Aerosmith t-shirt. I slip on my combat boots and toss my hair into a messy ponytail. I touch up my makeup and race out to the bus stop.

I take the bus all the way to the other side of Liberty. It’s almost like going into another country sometimes, but it’s where I play pretend.

Just for an hour.

I walk into the salon and am greeted by a pretty blonde.

“Welcome to Love Spa. How may I help you?”

I smile brightly at her. “I’m Jade Patterson. I have an appointment with Mona.”

“Of course, she’ll be right with you.” The blonde points to the chairs in the lounge and I walk over where two older women are talking and take a seat.

I look at them in their perfectly pressed tan and beige pants suits. Their pearl necklaces and bright diamond wedding bands scream they have more money in their wallet than I’ve made all year. Their fake laughs and freshly Botoxed faces makes me wonder if they’ve ever known what it was like to dumpster dive for their dinner.

Don’t think about it, Jade. This is your hour. This is the hour for you.

“Excuse me.” I turn as the ladies are staring at me now. “May I ask where you got your boots?”

This is your hour.

“Of course you may.” I smile brightly at the old hag whose purse is worth more than all the money I made last night. “I got these in New York City last week when I was shopping for some fall clothes. The salesperson said that the scuff marks brought character.” I fake giggle. I’m lying my ass off to the lady. I got these fucking boots at Goodwill for five bucks. I used a black Sharpie to cover up most of the marks.

“My granddaughter is going through her rocker phase and she would love your outfit. She’s about your age. She’s nineteen.” She smile

s at me through her capped veneers.

“Aren’t you so sweet?” I laugh. “I’m twenty-one.” Well, that’s the first truth I’ve told so far.

“Jade,” the blonde behind the counter calls my name.

“You ladies have a lovely day.” I stand and follow her in the direction to Mona’s station.

I’ve been coming to Mona since I was eighteen. I found Love Spa by accident when I was walking back from the police station after one of Mom’s arrests. I was at my wits end with her and I refused to bail her out. I had been working at Big Mike’s for a couple weeks and my life was shit. Well, it still is.

I watched the perfectly styled ladies go in and out of it for almost an hour. Their lives seemed as perfect as their clothes, cars, jewels, and shoes. They walked past me as if I was dirt on their Prada’s. I was nothing to them. Fuck, I am nothing.

However, their lives aren’t that great. Shit, I see businessmen, lawyers, and everyone else in between at Big Mike’s. Almost all of them are married to these blonde, arrogant bitches. Now, here they are, as fakes as their breasts and noses, and think they’re better than I am.

I vowed at that moment I would come to this salon and I would pretend with them. For one hour, every couple of weeks, I make an appointment with Mona and she does my nails. It’s money I shouldn’t be spending, but I do.

It’s my escape.

For the time I’m here, I’m not some hungry, broke ass stripper from Greenwood. Here, I’m Jade Patterson, the girl who giggles and gets her nails done in the middle of the day. I make up these elaborate stories about shopping sprees and places I’ve been. However, I’ve never even stepped foot out of Liberty. Most of the shit I spit to these ladies, I saw on PBS or the Discovery channel when I could afford cable.

“Jade, darling.” Mona kisses both of my cheeks. “I didn’t think I would see you so soon.”

“I’m in need of your help, sweetie.” I kick up the charm. “I have a big date tonight and I need my nails done again.”

“Oh,” she raises an eyebrow and holds my chair for me to sit down. “A big date? Where is Mr. Prince Charming taking you?”

“The Downtown Grill.”

“Wow, a reservation there has been impossible to get. How did you get in?” the brunette next to me getting her nails done asks, looking down at me.

Bitch, don’t ruin my hour.

“Like I said, I have a big date,” I sneer at her and turn back to Mona, who begins to work on my nails.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance