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I press my back against his chest. Valo sweeps my hair away from my neck and he nips me. I work my hips in a circular motion and then Valo reaches around to rub me.

“Valo.” It’s my turn to lose myself in him. I can feel myself building as Valo continues to rub me. “Yes.”

He whispers something in my ear and I rock harder on him. He moans and nips my neck harder. “Jade.” His voice is muffled in the crook of my neck.

The release crashes into me like a wave. I can’t stop rocking faster against him, and then he guides me forward. I’m on my knees on the floor and Valo is slamming into me as I’m still riding the wave of orgasm. Valo’s thrusts are harder and faster until his grip is almost bruising. I don’t care because I’m shaking like a leaf, and it’s more pleasure than pain.

“Jade!” he yells my name, and then collapses on my back. “Sorry.” He rolls over and keeps repeating how sorry he is.

I flip my view to him and he’s on his back trying to catch his breath. There are small beads of sweat on his forehead.

“Stop saying you’re sorry.” I’m breathing as hard as he is.

“I didn’t mean to lose control like that. I couldn’t stop myself.” His blue eyes are bright.

“Fuck that. That’s the best sex I’ve ever had. This locker room is pure magic.” I laugh as Valo bursts into laughter.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Finny.”



Jade sighs and I grin as she turns to me and smiles. “Why haven’t we traveled sooner, Valo?”

We’ve been all over my hometown for the past two days. I’ve been showing Jade where I grew up, and taking her to my favorite places. She’s been in heaven it seems. I can’t wait to see her reaction when she discovers her surprise.

“You like it?”

“I love it.” She almost seems like she wants to say more, but she doesn’t.

“So if I want to take you places more often and spend lots of money, you won’t complain or put up a fight?”

Jade smiles, shaking her head. “I’ll allow this. I’ve loved doing it too much to say no.”

She has loved it, too. She loved flying, sightseeing, eating in restaurants in a foreign country, and staying with my parents. Hell, she even loved going through customs. I may have created a traveling addict.

“Good, I’m very happy to hear that.” We have impeccable timing because I’ve just pulled up to an extravagant hotel.

“Why are we here? We’re staying at your parents.”

“We’ve been staying at my parents, yes, but we’re staying here tonight. You gave me my fantasy; I’m going to give you yours.” I grin at the memory of our time in the locker room.

Jade’s lips part in surprise. She doesn’t say anything, and I chuckle at how I may have rendered her speechless. I get out of the rental car, walk around, and open the door for her. Jade steps out, and I take her hand. A valet takes my keys and a bellhop retrieves our bags from the trunk, earning me a curious glance from Jade. She’s looking around while I check us in.

The place is spectacular. The high ceilings, large arches between rooms, and the grand stairwell leading to the second floor are definitely eye-catching. Large chandeliers hang from the ceiling and masterpieces of artwork hang on the walls. The bellhop follows us into the elevator and up to the floor our room is on.

Jade gasps when we walk in. I take our bags, tip the bellhop, and turn to see Jade walking around in awe at our suite. It’s large, spacious, and comes with a beautiful view. I go to her, wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her against my chest.

“What do you think?” I ask, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

“Valo,” she begins, her voice breaking with emotion from just saying my name.

“I want to give you anything and everything you could ever ask for, Jade. This is one of those things.” I turn her around, kissing her softly. “Go start a shower and I’ll order some room service before I join you.”

“Before you join me?” Jade smiles.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance