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“I think you’ve gotten worse since I left,” I say, sitting down at the bar next to Brody. “This is twice we’ve beat you,” I grin.

“Shut up. How have you been, Valo? Surely you didn’t drag me away from my bed to gloat and talk hockey.”

“I’ve been better.” I order a drink and then ask, “How about you? How’s Selene?”

“I’m good. She’s good, too. So who’s the girl?” He smiles.

“What makes you think it’s a girl?”

“It’s always a girl, Valo. Besides, I don’t think we’re here to talk hockey. That only leaves women.”

I sigh. “Her name is Jade. I don’t know if it’ll last though.” As of right now, I don’t know if there is anything to last or not; I don’t know if she went to work.

“Why not?”

I take a deep breath and begin to recount our story for him. By the time I’m done, we’ve switched to drinking water.

“Wow. So what do you think she did?”

“I have no clue. Jade is hard to predict.” I loved that she would surprise me with her words and actions, but now, not so much.

“If I’ve learned one thing about life and love, it’s that it’ll all work out in the end.”

“I hope so.” God, do I hope so. “Thanks, Brody. I’m glad we talked. Next time, I promise not to go on and on about a chick.”

Brody smiles. “It happens. I should get going. We have an early flight. Keep in touch, okay?”

“Sure thing.”

He stands and adds, “Valo? She’ll come around.”

Chapter Nineteen


I’m not one to show fear. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever really showed it to anyone. Right now, I feel it and it’s making my heart race. Big Mike’s arms are crossed and he’s staring me down. His mouth is in a thin, tight line.

“You lied to me, Jade. I don’t like liars.”

My mouth is dry. “I didn’t tell a big lie.”

“Jade!” he yells at me. “I want the truth and I want it now. Explain to me why Valo Manner came in here, handing me thousands of dollars, and telling me about a debt for your mom.” He gets closer to my face. “Then you can explain to me why Rick thinks you’re working for him.”

“Mike, I…” How do I even begin?

“Why are you working for Rick?”

“Mom owes him money and I need to make quick cash to pay back my tuition to Valo.” I’m not going to lie to him. If he wants the truth, then I’ll tell him.

“Why is Valo Manner paying your debts? He came in here and handed me a bunch of cash, and I acted like I didn’t know him to figure out how he knew you.”

“He is…well…he was my boyfriend.” I look away from Big Mike’s eyes that are still burning into me.

“Valo Manner? Is he the reason you left? And what the fuck do you mean tuition?”

I take a deep breath and start from the beginning. I tell him how Valo and I met, about how he found me at the club, and his job offer. I went into depth about going to beauty school, and even telling him about Mom. If anyone had heard me, they would have thought I was in a therapy session.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance