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I watch the face-off and see Ashton Campbell, the captain of the Utah Bears, run over Valo as if he’s nothing more than a speed bump.

Oh, that’s going to hurt in the morning.

The battle of the puck continues through two full periods and it remains scoreless as the third begins. Valo wants to score. I can see the determination on his face. Even though I like the playful, sweet Finny at home, there’s something about this bad ass on the ice that makes my breathing shallow and my sexual desire rev into overdrive.

Damn, he’s hot.

He speeds past me and Gus drops behind him. I know this play. It’s their play and it’s a sure thing. As I watch them, Valo slides the puck behind his legs and Gus picks it up and shoots it.

It connects with the back of the net.

All the Eagles’ fans, including me, cheer for the spectacular play. As Valo and the guys cheer, he catches my eyes. Valo winks a blue eye at me and taps the glass as he passes by me.

That’s our thing.

We have a thing.

I like that we have a thing.

As the third period continues, Valo assists in another goal and when the buzzer goes off, the Eagles win two to zero. I stay in my seat until all the Eagles leave the ice and they announce the three stars of the night. Of course, Valo is in the top three. He skates out, waves his stick, and heads down the tunnel. I send him a quick text and let him know which parking lot I am in and I go wait for him.

I’m sitting in the cab of the truck with the heat on full blast, and I begin to flip through my phone. I notice on my calendar that Christmas is coming. We have already discussed doing a dinner and presents a few days before because the team will be away for the holidays.

I realize I haven’t seen my mother since she was picked up. We never did anything for any holiday. Mom had either been strung out or trying to make money. I don’t even remember a tree, or decorations, or getting a present. That’s how I knew Santa Claus wasn’t real. That fat, jolly bastard never dropped shit into any place I lived in. Not even when I was in a foster home.

It isn’t a few moments later that Valo jumps into the cab.

“Well, Finny, looks like you are moving up the ranks with all those points tonight?”

“Does that mean I score extra points with you, too? I should be rewarded, don’t you think?” Valo grins at me.

“Rewarded? I didn’t see you register a hat trick, Captain. However, I might be able to think of something,” I wink back.

“As long as that thinking comes with some doing.”

I laugh out loud this time. “Aren’t you a horny little hockey player? But we’ll see. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a working woman and a beauty school student. Hell, I wasn’t even this tired working at the club.”

“I’m going to ignore that you included ‘little’ in there. You can get some rest over Christmas though. Unless you have plans?”

“Well, I was thinking about that before you got here. I might see Mom, but I don’t know. However, have you thought about what you want for our dinner? I’m thinking ham and lots of veggies.”

“That’s fine for dinner.” He’s quiet for a moment when he’s at the red light. “You’re going to see your mom?”

“I’m thinking about it. I don’t visit her often when she’s in jail, but every once in a while. Mainly…well…it’s the only time I can see her sober and herself. It’s a rarity. Do you want to come along?” I quickly shake my head. Why would I even say that? “Never mind, that’s something you can’t do. I shouldn’t have asked. I know better than that.”

Valo doesn’t say anything as he continues to drive. When he pulls into the assigned parking spot, he looks over at me. “If you really wanted me to,” he doesn’t finish his sentence, but I know he’s trying to be supportive.

“No, Finny, it’s fine. I’m tired and my brain is fried. It’s late night ramblings. Let’s move to another, more fun topic: Christmas decorations. We need a tree, or do Finnish people not do trees? Do you have Santa over there?” I quickly fire off my questions, not thinking about my stupidity.

“You don’t have to worry about my traditions, Jade. I’ve been here long enough that I’ve sort of embraced how it’s celebrated here. It’s still the holidays and festive any way you celebrate it.”

“Well, I don’t have any traditions, so how about we wing it and make our own together? That sound okay?”

“That sounds perfect.” He leans over and kisses me.


I have been up since before the sun. This is our first Christmas together, even though it’s the twenty-first of December. I want everything to be perfect. I have the iPad next to me on the kitchen counter, helping me step-by-step with the ham and all the trimmings.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance