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??I’m not sure I like you being so busy,” I say, placing kisses along her shoulder. “How am I supposed to come home and run into you if you aren’t here? We have to be like normal people and see each other after work. That’s no fun.”

“Well, we can’t all play hockey in the morning and then sleep all evening,” she laughs.

“Fine. Go get ready then. But it’s going to be you, my bed, takeout, the TV, and me tonight. We should get home around the same time.”

“I’m only working a few hours a week, Finny. I need to have some of my own money. I can’t keep taking from you.”

“I’m not complaining,” I reassure her. “I’m happy for you and I’m glad you’re the kind of person who wants to have your own money.”

“Good.” Jade gives me a soft kiss before disappearing into the bathroom. I really am proud of her and all she’s doing. She seems to be in love with everything, too, which makes me happy.

Tossing back the covers, I get out of bed and change my clothes. Jade and I have created a routine of sorts. She uses the bathroom first and once she’s closer to finishing up, she’ll crack open the door, and I’ll go in and get ready. I like that we have a routine. I like watching her get ready. Today, though, I’m not paying much attention.

Honestly, hockey has been on my mind more than usual lately. I want us to do better than we are, and I know we’re capable of that. We’ve been up and down lately with our playing. We need consistency. Maybe an improved frame of mind as well. It doesn’t help that a few of the guys have been injured and are out of the lineup for the time being.

Jade kisses me, leaving only a few minutes before I do. I make sure to say hey to everyone I pass and to smile, sending out good vibes. After changing, I make my way to the ice. Russell is already skating; practicing one of the shots he struggles with, and looks as if he’s still having some issues.

He notices me and asks, “What the hell am I doing wrong? I’ve made one goal in twenty minutes and if you haven’t noticed, our goalie isn’t here yet.”

I chuckle. “Do it again,” I tell him, skating closer to him, so I can watch.

Russell swings his sticks three times, missing the net each time. He turns to look at me, frustrated.

“Try dropping your hand more on your stick,” I advise. The first two times he tries, he misses, but his aim improved. “Third time’s a charm,” I tell him when he finally makes it. He repeats the shot a few more times, scoring each time.

“Thanks, Valo.”

My teammates and coaches slowly start trickling onto the ice. In between drills, I end up next to Derek, who is participating in his first full practice since he was injured not too long ago.

“Glad to be back and seeing my pretty face?” I grin.

He laughs. “If I have to look at your ugly ass to play hockey, then I’ll suffer. It does feel good to be back though. My wife is glad to have me out of her hair, too, so it’s a win-win for us all.”

“Well, so far, you look to be in good shape. Hopefully, you’ll be with us to play Utah. It’ll be good to have you, especially since you play so well with Gus and Jay.”

Derek gives me a shit-eating grin. “Is that your way of saying you miss me and the team easily suffers without me?”


Gus skates up to us and Derek says, “I think Valo has a crush on me, Gus. He says he’s missed me.”

“Don’t get your hopes up. He’s got his head so far up his girl’s ass, I’m surprised he can see the puck coming.”

“Don’t you need to work on your stickhandling?” I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Yeah, I do,” he admits. “You were helping me with that.”

His tone throws me off. Maybe Jade was right and Gus is pissed I’m not around him as much. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch, Gus. I’ll stay late and we’ll work on it.” Maybe then he’ll lay off Jade completely, though I think now their bickering is sort of a friendship.

Gus smiles. “Really? You don’t have to go meet Jade?”

“Not until later.”


We get through the rest of practice, workouts, and a few meetings before Gus and I hit the ice again to work on his handling. We stay for about an hour or so. Afterward, as we’re untying our laces, I say, “You’re doing good, you know.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance