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“And to such a lovely girl.”

“I know.”

She steps forward and hugs me tightly. “So proud of you, Luca.”

“Thank you, Mama. Go help my girls get ready.”

She grabs a few bags before disappearing into my hotel room. Papa’s sitting in a chair, watching the morning news. He’s already dressed in his suit.

“You’re ready?” Wow.

“Hadley warned me about making sure you had enough time to do your hair.” There’s a sly grin on his face as he tries not to laugh. “I didn’t realize it could take you up to an hour to make it look like you just rolled out of bed.”

“She’s exaggerating.”

He laughs as I shake my head, going to the bathroom to shower. I can’t believe today is here. It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for it to happen. Having Mama and Papa here was a must and I’m happy that we get to share this moment with Valeria, even though she won’t remember it. Hadley and I will, and that’s good enough for me.

Once I’m all ready, only spending twenty minutes on my hair, Papa and I are watching TV, waiting for the text from Mama that tells us they are ready.

“Hadley said you were thinking about retiring.”

“Yeah. I love the game, but I don’t like the traveling anymore,” I say. I’ve already missed two of Valeria’s milestones from being on the road. “What advice do you want to give?” I ask because I know that’s why he brought it up.

“Hockey has been a part of your life for nearly all of it, Luca. If you want to retire, that’s fine, but I want you to do it because you’re ready to stop playing and because you’re time in the league is up. Not because of anything else. It’s hard, I know, but if it makes you feel better I missed your and your sister’s first steps. It sucked, but the world didn’t end. I was able to see you walk, grow, learn, and become the man you are today. Firsts are important, but there’s always a new word, another step, and so on that you will see. You’re healthy and able, so unless you’re absolu

tely ready to stop playing, you don’t need to retire yet.”

“I’ll think about it,” I promise.

My phone vibrates with a text.

Hadley: I’m ready to make you my husband, Luca.

“She’s ready.”

~ ~ ~

On one of our first visits to Ireland we stumbled upon a small castle that housed a beautiful garden. There’s a circle in the middle, the walkways laid with beautiful stones, and little pathways leading all sorts of ways all around the garden. It’s the perfect place for us to get married with its intimate setting.

I’m standing in the circle next to the man who will marry us. Papa is going to walk Hadley to me and Mama and Valeria will come before them. A soft melody plays from a nearby flute, a cue for Mama and Valeria to make their appearance. My precious little girl is wearing a light purple dress, which matches the color of Mama’s dress and the flowers in her bouquet.

“Da! Da!” Valeria reaches my way when she sees me, causing me to grin. I kiss her cheek before Mama takes her place on the other side of me. Mama whispers to Valeria in Russian in an attempt to quieten her down. Thankfully, she does.

The melody shifts, just slightly, and all eyes are on where Hadley should appear in any second now. All the air is knocked out of me when I see her. Her long red hair is curled and hanging around her shoulders. The dress is long with a small train, fitting her perfectly while showing off her figure. Papa kisses her cheek before releasing her as she stands in front of me.

“You’re beautiful,” I say in a low tone.

Hadley smiles. “You, too.”

The man begins to talk about love and marriage, but it all goes in one ear and out the other. Hadley hasn’t stopped smiling and neither have I. Finally, it’s time for us to recite our vows.

“Hadley, baby, I love you?”

“Uh-oh!” We laugh and glance at Valeria, who reaches for me again, saying, “Da. Da,” and grunting as she leans over. Her eyes start to well and she sniffles. Oh, no. Not the tearfest. I think Valeria is well aware of the fact that I don’t like to see her cry.

I look to Hadley with questioning eyes.

“Go on and get your daughter,” she smiles.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance