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“Luca, we need for the airport soon and we can't leave these toys lying around,” I huff trying to pick her blocks.

“Posmotrite na moyu krasivyy rebenok.” He kisses Valeria’s cheek and tickles her. “Don’t you think we have the most beautiful baby in the whole world?”

I give up on cleaning up and turn to Luca and Valeria. The only way I know she’s mine is her red hair. Other than that, she’s Luca made over. She has his heart-shaped face, caramel eyes, and bright smile.

I was scared every single day she was in the hospital, but we received the greatest Christmas gift when Dr. Craigson said that she could come home early. Luca rushed home from an away game to be here when she did walk through the door. I don’t think he slept more than two hours the first week she was here. He stayed in the nursery and watched over her.

Since that moment, Valeria has been a healthy baby. She can’t walk yet, but she’s beginning to pull herself up a lot more. She knows about five words and ‘da’ is her favorite. She’s still small and not quite eighteen pounds, but our pediatrician says that considering how little she was when she was born, she’s an amazing child and not that far behind in development.

“Hadley, baby, the car is here.”

I turn and Luca already has Valeria in her stroller and waiting for me. I grab my purse, the diaper bag, arm the security system, and follow him out the door.

The hockey season will be underway in about a week and Luca is under more pressure than normal. He did not win the Cup last season, and he’s already talking about retirement when this season is over. It’s becoming harder and harder for him to leave Valeria. The FaceTime, Skype, and pictures make him miss her more. He wasn’t even there when she crawled for the first time or her first word. I think it really broke his heart.

Surprisingly, we make it through the airport security relatively easily. That’s a first for us. Our first experience was a hot mess that should have been on YouTube, but it wasn’t. I checked; that’s how I know.

We learned that first class is the only way to go with Valeria and all our stuff. This time is no different. Luca puts everything away and get comfortable. Valeria isn’t like other screaming babies on a plane. She’s very good. I think that she has our traveling bug, that’s why. Oh, and Luca. She always cuddles with Luca.

This time is no different.

Two layovers, several Starbucks, and small diaper explosions later, we finally make it to our destination. Dublin, Ireland.

When we get off the plane, we are met by a squeal of delight from Mama and Papa. That isn’t for us. It’s for Valeria. They grab her instantly from Luca and completely ignore us. We’re used to it.

I had booked the flights to make sure they arrived around the same time we did. This way we could all arrive at the hotel together. We find a cab that will be able to take us to our hotel, and after Luca packs the cab with all the bags, we’re off.

Mama chats with Valeria the whole time in Russian. Valeria

studies her as if she understands every word. Mama hasn’t spoken to Valeria in English; I’m the only one that does. Occasionally, Luca will, but he wants to be sure she knows Russian as well as English. I have no problems with that because she is half Russian. I watch as Mama keeps kissing her cheeks and smoothing her red hair until we arrive.

Thankfully, the bellboy helps Luca as I check us in. We have two rooms and they are ready for us.

“I also had a package delivered here, too.”

“Yes, Ms. Lincoln. I’ll have it brought up to your room.”

I smile and my heart races because I can’t wait to see it. I haven’t seen it since my fitting and then I had it shipped here, so I wouldn’t have to take it on the plane and risk it getting lost.

“Hadley, give me the diaper bag.” Mama holds out her hand as we get in the elevator.

“Mama, I can keep her.”

She looks at me with that look that tells me there’s no reason to say another word, but hand over the bag. And I do. Papa and Mama’s room is across the hall from us and they walk right in with Valeria, leaving Luca and I in the hallway.

Luca chuckles. “Come on.” He guides me into our room. Even though I wanted to get the honeymoon suite, Luca didn’t want that because it meant we’d be farther away from Valeria. He puts our bags down and quickly gathers me in his arms as he kicks the door shut. “I’ve missed you.”

I laugh as he nips at my neck. “Luca, are you sure you want to do this right now? I smell like the plane.”

“You’re going to be my wife in the morning. I need you all the time.” He bites down on my earlobe.

“Luca, how long has it been since you’ve been inside me?”

“Too long.” He pushes me up against the wall and my breath quickens. “Don’t you think?”

“Yes,” I pant.

Luca is about to undo my pants when there’s a knock on the door. We both groan, and I head over to answer it.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance