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~ ~ ~

“I want us to be together, but marriage isn’t something I want right now.”

We were in his hotel room and had finished a long session of sex.

“Luca, I have never said anything about marriage. We’ve been together for a couple of years, but I know the NHL is where you want to be. I have my own dreams, too.”

“I do.” He kissed the top of my head.

“I’m happy the way we are.”

“I want it to stay this way.”

I looked up at him. “It will.”

“I don’t want children.” Luca’s voice was serious. I had heard him say this a couple of times before.

“Is it because of Valeria?” my voice was low.

“I don’t want children. If you do, then this needs to....” he trailed off.

“Hey.” I rose up from where my head had been lying on his chest. “I don’t want kids right now, either. We’re too young and we have too much going on.”

“Hadley.” There was that tone again. “I don’t want to talk about Valeria and I don’t want kids ever. I want you and me and that’s it.”

“Okay.” I kissed his lips. “You and me forever.”

“You and me forever.”

~ ~ ~

My memory is broken when I hear the girls clapping and cheering as some of the guys walk out. I know that Luca will be the last one out. He always the first one into the locker room and the last one out.

Tonight is no different.

Luca throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses my temple.

“I was hoping that my man would've had a hat trick tonight.” I wink at him. “Good thing Darryl got me one.”

A rare Luca laugh booms. “So, you’re going to leave me for some twenty-year-old rookie?”

I shrug. “Nah, I’m invested with you, Mr. Zotov. I can’t even trade you in because the warranty is up.”

“Damn shame.” He shakes his head, but the smile is still there. “I’m hungry. Do you want to come with or do you need to work?”

I love that Luca understands my job. He’s never complained about the hours I spend in from of my laptop or tablet. I shake my head. “Nope, Amy has the list of highlights I want played. I’m all yours tonight.”

Luca give me a swift kiss. “Perfect.”

~ ~ ~

Luca left early the next morning to fly out to Portland. The Bucks’ last two games are on the road. I wake up with the worst nausea I’ve ever had. Damn Luca and his sushi. It never fails that when I eat that crap with him, I end up sick. This is why I stick with potato chips. Simple, safe, and easy.

“You look like crap.”

I cut Amy a mean look and she quickly drops her head.

“Luca made me eat sushi.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance