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He shrugs and inhales more mashed potatoes.

I need to turn up the charm so I can go home and have Luca rub my feet. “Mr. Russell, have you thought anymore about our proposal? Being part of the THN family–”

He cuts me off with a snort. “Family? Is that what Luca Zotov thinks of you?”

“I’m sorry?” My mouth drops a little bit. What the fuck is he talking about?

“Didn’t he leave you? I heard that he’s living over at the Hilton and has been since you got yourself knocked up.”

Prick. I’m going to break his nose before the night’s up.

“Hadley?” Mr. York looks at me. I know he wasn’t aware of Luca's and my rough patch.

“Mr. Russell, I don’t think my personal life–”

“You want me to hand you ten million dollars; your business is my business.” He chomps on a piece of steak.

Yep, I’m going to punch this guy.

“Hadley, is this true?” Mr. York looks concerned and mad at the same time.

I take a long calming breath and stare at Mr. Russell. “One, I don’t know where you got that information, but it’s incorrect. Luca, my fiancé, is at our home as we speak.”

“But he was at the Hilton?”

Oh, this ass won’t let up.

“For a brief time, Luca was there, but he isn’t now. He’s a loving and caring person who goes above and beyond for me, our child, the Bucks, and his fans. That’s the kind of man he is. So wherever you received your second-hand gossip, I think you should go to the person before making assumptions.”

My heart is racing fast and my head is pounding from the adrenaline pumping through me. Luca and I have had issues, but he’s mine, and I’ll be damned if anyone bad-mouths him.

“You think you can talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?”

“Yes, I’m aware of who you are and you should be aware of who I am. I’m Hadley Lincoln and just like you, I’m a human being who won’t be bullied by some millionaire.” I throw my napkin down and stand. “I’m going to call it a night. Have a nice evening.” I walk away from the table.

When I step outside, the hot July air is thick and I can’t seem to catch my breath. I want to call Luca and have him come here to get me, but he’ll get all worried about me. He’s about to start mini-camp and I don’t want him to have anymore stress.

“Hadley,” Mr. York calls my name.

Well, when he fires me at least I’ll be in a nice dress.

“I’m sorry.” I can feel the tears coming. Fucking hormones. This isn't the time for tears. I’m supposed to be mad.

“Why? Because you stood up for Luca and your family? I could care less about Russell. I only took this meeting because I know his dad. We don’t need his damn money.”

My body relaxes. “Really?”

“Yes. But I did learn one thing.”


“Luca’s one lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

Chapter Eighteen



Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance