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oo many turnovers. It’s a relief to make it back to the hotel where I can relax.

Hotel rooms are starting to blur together. Tonight, I find myself missing Hadley, our home, and our bed. But Hadley more than anything. Usually, I would call her and find out how her day went, see if she stayed up to watch the game, and make plans for when I come home. I shouldn’t message her, but I didn’t particularly play well tonight, despite the win, and I want to hear from her.

Me: Hey...did you watch?

Her reply is quick.

Hadley: Took a nap during the second period, but yes.

Me: Then you know how my day went. How was yours? How badly are you ready to get back to work? Or are you liking the time off?

My thumbs are asking all the questions I’ve refrained from voicing lately. Hadley doesn’t owe me any answers, I know, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want her to tell me anyway. She doesn’t reply right away. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked. I should probably just go to sleep.

I hold onto my phone for a few more minutes, though, and it buzzes.

Hadley: Enjoying it so far. I’ve been shopping a lot. I want to get started on the nursery, but haven’t gotten around to finding someone to move the stuff out of the guest bedroom down the hall from ours.

She’s not lying about the shopping either. She seems to go every few days and spends a good little chunk when she goes, based on the bank statements.

Me: Where are you going to move the stuff?

Hadley: Thought about shoving it in your workout room for now, but will go ahead and put it in the building out back.

Part of me is tempted to remind her that once the season is over, I’ll be moving out completely. It won’t be ‘my’ workout room. But I don’t want to start an argument either.

Me: Sounds like a good plan...what have you been eating?

If one of us had to be deemed a cook, it wouldn’t be her. I won’t lie and say I haven’t wondered about this before. Her reply is quick.

Hadley: crackers.

She could be more informative than that. It’s not like that’s all she’s eating.

Me: And…?

Hadley: I CAN cook, you know. I’ve had you fooled all this time because I knew you liked to cook so much

Me: Next time Mama comes, I’m sure if you’d ask she’ll give you some of her secret recipes.

Hadley: The ones she won’t even give you?

I laugh.

Me: Yeah, she loves you more. She’ll give them to you. I should get some sleep, so should you.

Hadley: Good night, Luca.

I place my phone on the nightstand, roll onto my side, and try to sleep.

~ ~ ~

I’m really starting to hate that coming to my house makes me anxious and slightly uncomfortable. James, Darryl, and Andre are right behind me, talking about something. I’m not really paying attention. I push my key into the doorknob, unlock it, and step inside. Hadley doesn’t seem to be here and for a moment, I wonder if she left because she knew I was coming.

“Hadley,” I call out anyway. “We’re here.”

“Luca?” She comes from the hallway, a towel wrapped around her body and she stopps towel drying her hair when she sees us. Her stomach is a bit larger than the last time I saw her. The towel hugs her pretty well and outlines her baby bump. “Oh, you did say ‘we’.” Confusion passes over her face.

I force my eyes back up to hers. “Make yourself at home for a minute, guys.” I walk over to her, turn her around, and usher her away with my hand on her lower back. Pregnant or not, I don’t want her in a towel around anyone else.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance