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I’m starving and exhausted. I toss the large pizza on the counter along with my purse, keys, and briefcase.

Amy was ecstatic about her new job opportunity. When I went and told my boss, he wasn’t thrilled to lose both of us, but he understood. Amy and I will be there for the next two weeks and then I’m off until September. Mr. York did email me and told me that there will be some events and sponsors I’ll need to meet between now until then, but I don’t have a problem with that.

I kick off my heels and throw a couple slices of pizza on a paper plate. I miss Luca’s cooking skills. That’s something that I’ve never had. I flop down on the couch and turn on the TV. The Bucks made it to the second round, barely, and game one is going to be here in Omaha against the Blacksmiths. I hate that team and their cocky captain, Carson Lee. Although, I did meet his girlfriend one time, Kinley Wright, and she seems to hold her own against him.

The ring of the doorbell confuses me since I am not expecting anyone. When I open the door, I almost pass out where I’m standing.


??Surprise!” Mama and Papa say as they walk in and hug me.

“Oh my God,” is all I can say.

“We wanted to surprise you and Luca. Aren’t you happy to see us?” Mama hugs me again.

“Oh my God,” is still spinning in my head and the only thing I can say again.

“Hadley, you look pale. Are you all right?” Papa holds my face in his large hands. “You don’t look well.”

“No,” I step back. “I’m fine. I’m surprised. I didn’t expect for you both to be here. I’m very happy,” I lie. Oh God, this is going to be bad. So very bad. Luca's obviously not told them anything. I don’t know how this is going to go down.

“Now, we know Luca is already at the game, but you can take us and we’ll all three surprise him.” Mama claps her hands.

“Great,” I lie again. “He’s going to be so surprised.” Oh, this is going to be the worst thing ever.

“Hadley, why aren’t you changed?” Papa looks me up and down.

“I just walked in from the office. I didn’t have time.” Great, now I’m becoming a pathological liar.

“Well, let’s get to it. I want to be there for warm-ups.” Papa smiles brightly.

I give a small grin back, but it’s Mama’s eyes that catch mine. She’s staring at me with a confused look on her face. I can’t tell what she’s thinking, but I know she’s thinking something serious.

“I’ll go change right now.” I race away from her gaze and go to bedroom.

I stare at my jersey, the one Luca gave me so long ago. I run my hands over ‘My Girl’ on the back and the tears roll down my cheeks. If I wear anything else, they’ll know something is up.

Fuck. Why did Luca do this to us?

I don’t have time to dwell on that, I think as I quickly change.

On the drive over, I tell Mama and Papa all about my new job and The Hockey Network. I did everything I could so they wouldn’t bring up Luca. I talked the entire ride over to the arena.

I flash my family badge to the guard and he waves me through. Of course, the only open spot is next to Luca’s SUV. Oh, this night is going to fucking suck.

We walk into the arena and I go to the ticket office to grab the family tickets. I’d worried for a second that Luca removed my name from the list, but he didn’t. I grab the tickets and we head off to our seats. The same seats as always. Right behind the player’s bench where Luca will see us.


Mama and Papa are sitting next to me, talking about how this is going to be Luca’s year and how proud of him they are. I try my best to keep up, but my heart is beating a thousand beats per second and I feel like I might faint.

This isn’t going to be good, as the first of the Bucks take the ice to warm-up. As always, Luca is last. I watch his every movement as he skates around and talks to his teammates. He hasn’t noticed us yet, and I pray that, for the first time, he doesn’t look in the stands.

That doesn’t happen.

When Luca skates over to grab a bottle water, he stops when his eyes connect with mine. They’re as big as silver dollars when Mama and Papa jump up and begin to wave at him. His mouth drops a little and the only thing I can do is shrug.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance