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He calls his nurse in and after peeing in a cup and a couple vials of blood taken, I’m back waiting in the same exam room for the doctor.

Luca: I can’t wait to celebrate with you when my parents go to bed.

I laugh.

Me: Me either.

The doctor comes back in and I set my phone down. He has a concerned look on his face and for a moment, my heart drops. Could this be something bad? I’m a healthy person, except for my eating habits.

“What’s wrong?” I can hear the panic in my voice.

“You’re pregnant.”

~ ~ ~

I’ve touched up my makeup twice today. Once when I finished with Luca and the other time when I left the doctor’s office. Now, I’m standing in the Omaha airport waiting for Luca’s parents and my heart is breaking.

I can feel it being ripped from my chest. I know how Luca feels about kids. He’s been adamant about it since the moment we became serious. He has a good heart, but I know his reasons for not having children.

Even though I take my pills religiously every morning, they didn’t work. I’m currently carrying an eight-week old baby inside me. A beautiful child created from the love between Luca and me.

I say a silent prayer that when I do tell him, he won’t flip out and run away. We’ve been together for ten years. Hell, we’re engaged. We’ve created a home together. He’ll understand how much I want this.

I do want this.

I’ve always been unsure about having kids. Our careers have always come first. Now, I’m almost thirty. I have no other family but Luca and his parents. If he leaves me…


I turn to see the two greatest people I know, Luca’s parents. If you saw Luca and then his mother, you would have no clue she gave birth to that man. She’s only 5’2” and Luca is six feet. You would know, though, once you saw her eyes. Luca’s dad is taller, closer to 5’10

”, and Luca looks exactly like him.

And they’re going to be the best grandparents.

“Mama.” I run up to her and bend down to hug her. She always smells like sugar. Luca says it’s because she bakes so much, but to me, it’s like home.

When my mother died, Mama stepped up in my life. She’s like my second mom and I can count on her for anything and everything. I know that I can talk to her and she’ll bestow her wisdom. Besides my mother, she’s the smartest woman I know.

“Why is my girl crying?”

Fucking hormones.

“I’ve missed you, Mama,” I try to tell her in my best Russian.

“Hadley, we’ve told you to give up on speaking Russian.” Papa shakes his head.

I laugh releasing Mama and hugging Papa. “I’m still trying.” I wipe the tears.

“You did try,” he chuckles at me.

“Let’s get you all home and ready for tonight.” I pick up a bag and head towards the SUV.

On the drive home, they both go into detail about the trip. It’s funny listening to them. Sometimes they act as if this is the first time they’ve ever flown. I giggle the hardest when they talk about being in first class. They get mad at Luca for spending the money, but then get upset if the flight attendant doesn’t give them that second bag of peanuts.

Luca is standing on the porch when we pull up. He might be a thirty-year-old captain in the hockey league, but when his parents are home...he’s a kid again.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance