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I fell asleep last night before Avery came home and woke up after she did. She’s in the kitchen, hip leaning against the counter, and eyes on the small TV as she eats a bowl of cereal.

“Hey,” I say brightly. Today is a new day and I’m going to right my world again. Avery gives me a small smile. I go over to give her a simple, quick kiss, but that damn phone vibrates causing her to look away as I end up kissing her cheek. “I’ve got a few errands to run before practice, is there anything you need?”

“Nope. I ran my errands the other day. Thanks though.” I grab my keys from the bowl on the counter and hear her continue, “Do you want to have lunch after practice?”

r /> “The guys and I were going to put in some extra time at the gym,” I answer without much thought.

“Okay. Hockey is more important and comes first, right?”

Shit. I turn to face her, but she shakes her head.

“Don’t bother, Jax. Have fun working out with your buddies.” She dumps the rest of her cereal in the sink, letting the bowl fall with a loud clink. Before I can try to say anything, she walks out of the room. I glance down at my watch. Shit. I have to get going. With a sigh, I turn and leave.

Chapter Two


I pick at the salad in front of me. It looks delicious, but I’m in no mood to eat anything. Yet again, Jax has found some way to put hockey first and me second. Everything in our marriage the past six months has sucked. I don’t know where it went wrong, but it’s not the same.

The Jax Godwin I fell in love with was a ball of jokes, laughter, and had the biggest heart ever. It wasn’t until last season, when the Gamblers didn’t make the playoffs, that everything changed.

Jax became more distant over the summer. All he did every day was get up, work out, and skate. He stopped touching me, flirting with me, and talking to me. Our conversations became more robotic and uncaring. I started to pick up more shifts at work, just because I was tired of feeling like a roommate and not a wife.


I turn at the sound of my name and see another nurse, Jasmine, coming to me. She is probably my closest friend. She takes a seat across from me. “Are you okay?”

I nod.

“You are the worst liar.”

I shrug.

“I’m guessing everything is still the same at home.”

I nod.

“Why don’t you go home? Or go have a spa day? Something has to be better than hanging around this place.”

“I have to finish the schedule for the month.”

Jasmine rolls her eyes. “All work and no play make Avery very cranky.”

A small smile cracks my mouth.

“Go home. You can finish everything tomorrow.”

I sigh, running my hands through my chestnut brown hair. “I guess. I mean, when I go home, I can enjoy the joys of being alone in a big ol’ house.”

“Oh, Avery. It’ll be fine. Jax loves you. I know he does.”

“I’m glad you know,” I mumble, pushing the salad away from me.

“You love him, too. I know it. It’s just a rough patch.”

“A six month rough patch?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance