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I smile. “You’re right. Though Brooke could have been nicer to me that day.”

“She was giving birth. What did you want her to do? Bake a cake?”

I laugh. “No, but I did something to piss her off, so she was pissed at me and giving birth. Not a good combo.”

“What did you do?”

“It’s a long story that involves a joke that went seriously wrong that may have had something to do with baking a cake for my birthday.”

“Oh, okay.” She sighs, and I know it’s time to face the music. “So, what now? I don’t think I’ve never been in this situation before. You know, the one where I’m the crazy person.”

“You’re not crazy, Lex. Just…talk to me.”

“Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “I’ve only truly loved one man in my life and it was Tony. I still remember the first day we met, our first date, our first everything. When Tony did his first tour in Iraq, I was a mess the whole time he was gone. Then he came home, and it went back to normal for a little bit.” She pauses and sniffles. “When he got the news of his next tour, I wasn’t as worried. I thought since he went the first time, he wouldn’t be on the front lines this time. I don’t know where I got that idea, but it kept me calm.

“Then I found out I was pregnant. You never would have seen anyone happier in this world, but him. He wanted a girl from the moment I told him. He was able to get a two-week pass and came home. We did a quick wedding and he promised me that when we reached our twenty-year anniversary that we would have a huge party and vow renewal. I don’t know why I would have to wait that long, but that was his thing.”

The tears flow freely as she takes another deep breath and continues. “I was sitting at my kitchen table. I wasn’t doing anything. I hadn’t felt good that day, and I was alone in the quiet. Then the knock on the door came, and I knew that it was them. I knew before I even opened the door.

“I was twenty-three. I was six weeks away from having Sadie, and he was gone. My parents, Tony’s parents, and Tiff were there for me whenever I needed them, but I’m sort of stubborn, and I wanted to do it alone. Because if Tony wasn’t going to be by my side, then I was going to do it alone. And I did. Somewhere along the way, I lost myself, and never thought I could love again. Until you.” Her eyes finally meet mine.

I can’t help it as I lean over and give her a little kiss. “You already know that I love you, so if you’re telling me that you love me and want to be us again, then you know you’re never going to be able to walk away again, right? I won’t let you.”

“Ashton, please listen to me very carefully. I want us to be us again, and I can feel myself falling for you, but I can’t say the words yet. I know they’re there, but you have to realize that I haven’t said those words to another man in sixteen years.”

“All I want or need right now is you, Lex. Just you.”

“I want you too. I don’t want to walk away. I want to be crazy with you.”

I smile. “Then let’s be crazy.”



“I’m not seeing a problem here, Lexie.” Brooke sips her tea. I had asked her to come over without Reed so I could talk to her.

“I know that Ashton and you are friends, but I thought I should talk to you first.” I want to tell her that Ashton and I want to talk to the kids about us dating.

“That’s kind of you. I mean it, I’m glad that you told me, but I already figured you two would tell the kids soon.”

Ashton and I have been back together for over a month now, and it’s been amazing. Every moment together seems to be better than the last. It’s almost too good to be true, but it is. I’m dating Ashton Campbell and we’re getting ready to tell Sadie and Reed.

“Is it strange that I’m nervous to tell the kids?”

“Yes, but I can understand. You’ll be fine.” Brooke squeezes my hand.


“No more chicken nuggets.” I tell Sadie and Reed as Ashton sits the food on the table. Thankfully we got pizza, but both kids groan because it isn’t their favorite food. However, I can’t handle anymore of those darn nuggets.

Ashton and I figure that it’s best to tell the kids at home and instead of public. Plus, this way, no one can overhear us. I get the kids their pieces of pizza and Ashton let’s them have small glasses of soda. Once we are all settled I figure that it’s time to tell them.

“Okay, kids, Mr. Ashton and I have something to tell you. It’s important that you listen, okay?”

Both kids nod and stare at us. I look over at Ashton. I figured he would tell them.

“You know how Nate is Brooke’s boyfriend? Well, I’m going to be Lexie’s boyfriend.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance