Page List


I make a quick list of what I need. Of course, the photographer is first, and I know the perfect person. I gather everything together and head out the door. I drive downtown and waltz right into C&C Photos.

“Hey, Kinley. I didn’t know you were coming today.” Cassie smiles up at me.

“I’m here on business, not pleasure.”

“Um, okay.” Cassie looks confused.

“I have a huge, and I mean huge, opportunity for you. It will blow this business out of the water. It’s the biggest shoot ever for you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I need someone to take the shots and edit them for the Carson Lee campaign and who else would I choose but my dearest friend.” I silently pray that she will say yes.

“Kinley, I take wedding and baby photos. Nothing qualifies me to do a professional shoot like that.”

“Well,” I use my best smile on her, “technically, Carson Lee is a big ass baby, so what’s the difference?”

Cassie giggles. “I’m sorry. I can’t do it. I wouldn’t do it justice.”

“Okay, first, you’re amazing and the best in all of Alabama. Second, think of the money and the fact that you’re helping me out. Please don’t make me beg. This skirt is super tight and my Spanx may bust if I bend down.”

“How much money?”

I knew I could sway her. I clap excitedly and hug her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I keep repeating to her.

“Yeah, yeah.” She tries to be mean about it, but she’s smiling brightly. Cassie knows this is big for her too.

I tell her that I will send her all the details, and I head back out. I need to think about a campaign, something that will fit Carson and LSMP. I go down the block to the nearest Starbucks and order the most caffeinated drink they have. I lay out a fresh piece of paper and open my laptop.

Okay, let’s think about this from all directions. First, the clothes. They are for people who want to be comfortable but still fashionable. Second, Carson. I instantly groan. Mr. Bad-boy himself. All I really know about him is he’s an ass and sleeps with anything that stands still for three minutes.

I tap my nail on the side of the coffee cup. That might work. The lightbulb goes off. Maybe Carson’s bad-boy side is what we need to show. What girl doesn’t love a bad boy, and what boy doesn’t want to be one? I begin scribbling down all my ideas, scrolling through most of the clothes that are already approved for the fall line.

I’m so wrapped up in my ideas, I barely hear my phone going off. When I look at the display, I see the one word that I didn’t want to see at this moment.

“Hi, Mama.”

“Kinley, please explain to me why your father and I are sitting in this restaurant and you’re not here?”

Shit. “Mama, I got caught up at the office, but I’m on my way.” I lie to her, because I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her I forgot. I’m not stupid.

“Fine. I can see this career choice is making you forget your parents.” She hangs up.

Well, this is going to be a great dinner tonight.


“Daddy.” I smile at the one that I know will always be there for me. I hug him tightly.

“Be careful, Kinley. Your mama is on the war path.”

I sigh as I drop into the chair. “Great.”

“Well, I figure I would warn you because you know how she is, but she means well.”

I give my dad a sad smile. “I know.”

At that moment, my mother sits back down, giving me a glare. “Kinley, I’m glad you could grace us with your presence.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance