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“It’s nice to meet you both.” I still have no idea what’s going on.

“Carson didn’t tell you that we were coming today?” Opal asks.

“Um, no, he didn’t.”

“He’s something else.” She laughs. “Carson donates time and money to our home. We take care of all these kids. They’re foster kids.”

“All these kids don’t have parents.” I look at all the smiling faces, including Carson’s.

“The state took away most of them

because of one reason or another. Some have been in the system since they were born and haven’t been adopted yet,” Opal continues to explain to me.

Carson finally spots me and skates over. “Hello, sweetheart.”

I smile at him.

A couple of boys, around seven or so, start yelling for him. He winks at me and goes off to play. The ladies and I make small talk, but all I keep doing is watch Carson. He’s like a big kid on the ice, and it makes me smile. It isn’t too long before Opal stands and yells that it’s time to go. All the kids’ faces turn sad, and it’s almost heartbreaking.

“Hey, Kinley.” Carson skates back over to me. “Will you hand out those duffle bags? Blue for boys, pink for girls.”

I nod, looking over my shoulder and seeing them all piled up by the door. I head over, and after each kid changes back into their shoes and heads for the door, I give them each a bag. While everyone else is heading out to the SUVs, Opal and Carson talk quietly together for a moment. I should leave them alone, but at this point, I’m nosy as hell to see what they’re saying.

I walk up behind Carson and hear him telling Opal to take the check. He says it a couple of times before Opal gives in, and I see her remove the check from his hand.

“You’re a good boy, Carson.” She pats his cheek and gives him a hug.

When he turns, he realizes that I’m standing here. He gives me a small smile and all three of us walk out. A couple of the older kids are driving the SUVs. Shelby is in one and Opal jumps into the last one. All the kids are yelling and waving out the windows at Carson. He smiles, waving back.

“Is this another secret?”

“Yep. That hockey rink blocking your view doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?”

“No, it doesn’t, Carson.” We watch the last vehicle pull away. “They seem like a bunch of great kids. How did you meet Opal and Shelby?”

“Oh, it’s a long boring story. Want to head to the house?”

I know he’s trying to change the subject. “I’m sure it’s not that boring. Tell me, please.”

He pauses, pushing his hand through his hair. “I’ve known them for a long time, that’s all.”

“Is that how they knew who I was?”

“Yeah, I told them you were coming.”

“Alright.” I loop my arms around his. “Ready for me to cook you some dinner?”

“If you want to cook, then absolutely.” We head into the house.

Chapter Thirty-Two


My summer is dwindling down with camp fast approaching, but before it can officially be over, I have to have dinner with Kinley’s parents. I’m not sure what to expect, especially since I dumbly told her mother I was her boyfriend. Although, I guess that is what I really am, her boyfriend, which is an entirely different can of worms. It also has me wondering what her father will think about it since our little golfing trip.

Guess I’ll find out tonight. Kinley picks me up from my house and we drive over to her parents.

“How are you feeling about this?” I ask, not feeling so great myself.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance