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Tommy’s dad shakes his head. “They argue about it all the time.”

I look between Gracie and Tommy and say conspiratorially, “You know, there are people who don’t even like hockey at all. You two should be happy that you both like hockey, even if it’s different teams. All hockey fans are like one big family.”

“Well, I guess it’s okay if Tommy thinks Brody Ross is better, even though he’s wrong,” Gracie comments rather thoughtfully.

“Hey!” Tommy objects.

I laugh and shake my head. “It was nice meeting you, Tommy. Gracie and I have a date with the Looney Tunes before I go.”

We go back to her room, sit on the bed, and start watching TV. Within five minutes, Gracie is sleeping. I carefully pull my hand from hers, kiss her forehead, and then walk over to Darcie. After I give her a hug, I tell her to keep me updated on Gracie. Time to find Kinley and Mike because at some point today, I lost them both somewhere on this floor.

Chapter Thirty-One


I sit in the lobby of the hospital trying not to let the tears fall from everything I saw in the last several hours. Mike told me that Carson comes up here all the time to visit the kids, and one day, Gracie told him that they were boyfriend-girlfriend. Mike said Carson never corrected her, and from that moment on, they’ve remained close.

I think about the first YouTube video I researched when I was looking up Carson Lee. He knocked a guy almost unconscious when he slammed him into the players’ bench, and now, that same guy was just coloring in a princess book with a four year old.

Wow. I never thought I would have seen that before. Ever.

“Hey.” Carson comes up to me. “I was looking for you.”

I smile up at him, but the lump of all my emotions are still choking me.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

I clear my throat. “You never realize how precious life is until you see a sick child.” I blink away my tears.

“I know.” He reaches for my hand and helps me stand. “I’m hungry, want to go grab a bite?”

I nod, and we head out to his SUV. It’s a quiet ride to the Mexican resturant, and I can’t help but think of that sweet little girl. After he parks in the lot, he pulls off his jersey, slipping his shirt back on. When we walk in, Carson asks to be seated in the backroom. He pulls my chair out, and I sit down.

“I know this isn’t the ideal first date,” he jokes.

“It’s not what I pictured with you, that’s true, but I will say it’s the best first date I’ve ever had.” I smile at him. It’s the truth too. I saw the real Carson Lee today. “So, why didn’t you tell me you were already in a committed relationship?”

“I didn’t know you that well yet.” He chuckles.

I laugh at his comment. “She’s a beautiful little girl, but why didn’t you tell me where we were going? Or about her?”

“It was better as sort of a surprise, wasn’t it?” He shrugs off his answer.

“It was. I guess the hockey league doesn’t know their bad-boy is a great guy?”

“If they knew, it wouldn’t really work for my image. Plus, it’s not really their business anyway.”

The waiter comes back and takes our orders, and Carson reaches for my hand. I slide mine into his.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why Gracie? Why was she the one out of all the kids that stole your heart?” I look at him. “I have never seen your eyes shine like that until she hugged you.”

Carson looks away from me, and I’m not sure if he’ll answer me, but he does. “She may be young, but she knows her hockey. She’s obsessed with it and could tell you the stats of almost anyone in the league. Watching the game makes her feel better and like you said, I’m the ‘bad-boy.’ But not to Gracie. She’s sweet and loves everyone she meets. How could it not be Gracie?”

“Mike told me that she said you two were boyfriend-girlfriend. I think it’s very cute. It’s nice to see the different side of you too.” I look at his tattoos and figure I might as well ask. “So, the Gracie on your arm is her?”

He nods. “I got it shortly after she claimed me as her boyfriend. I knew she was important to me and deserved a place there too.”

“Do you have anymore secrets?” I bite down on my lip, wagging my eyebrows.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance