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Leaning down with my lips above hers, I ask, “Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart? Aren’t you supposed to share a secret with me?”

Her mouth forms into a deceivingly innocent “oh.” That slow grin reappears as she tugs me over to the bed, lifting my shirt up and over my head, tossing it aside before she goes to unbuckle my belt. Her fingers work quickly, but she doesn’t bother sliding the belt out of the loops. She goes straight to the button and zipper, hooking her fingers under the waistband and pushing them down until I’m standing naked in front of her.

I peel the clothes off of Kinley quickly, kissing her every chance I get. I can’t be this close to her with so little clothes and not have my mouth on her. We move to lay on the bed, but she rolls me onto my back and sits on my lap with a grin.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Carson Lee.” Kinley drags her fingers down my chest, lightly brushing over the bare skin. I swallow hard when she repositions herself, her mouth hovering just above my dick. Those fingers wrap around it, stroking me twice before descending on me.



She works me up and down hard and fast. Blow jobs aren’t something I usually get because of my size. There seems to be an unspoken expectation that they think I want them to deep throat me at some point, so they end up avoiding it altogether, wanting me to simply fuck them instead. Kinley obviously doesn’t have a problem with anything blow job-related. Her tongue, sucking, lips, and hand is shoving me towards the brink, threatening to make me fall over way too soon.

My head has fallen back, too immersed to gain enough sense to watch her. I reach my hand out to absentmindedly play with her hair, not wanting to disturb the already fucking amazing thing she’s doing to me. But then, she goes all the way down, my tip hitting the back of her throat, and she barely pauses.

“Damn it, Kinley,” I breathe, half wanting to stop her so I can fuck her, half not daring to interrupt her until she’s finished.

She pulls back, only her tongue swirling around my tip. Her teeth graze the ultra-sensitive skin before she deep throats me again, sucking as hard as she can. I come fast and end up squirting into her mouth. She doesn’t stop either. Only slows down until I’ve drifted back down to earth.

When I do, I lift my head to see her smiling at me and I ask, “How many secrets did you say you had?” Kinley laughs and comes to lay next to me. I hold up one finger. “Give me a second.”

“Carson Lee needs time to recover?” she teases.

“From that? Yes, but only a second.” I move to hover over her with my arms holding me up on either side of her. My eyes slowly drag their way over her body. God, I love her body so much. My gaze finally makes it back to her face. Kinley reaches up, grabs the back of my neck, and pulls me down to meet her lips. I break the kiss before I get distracted from what I want to do. “The best you’ve ever had, huh?” I mumble as I kiss her chest, moving towards one of her breasts. Sliding a hand between her thighs, I run my fingers over her folds.

“Don’t ruin it,” she replies lightheartedly.

I chuckle. My teeth gently bite down on her nipple and then tugs it when I push my finger into her. Our talking ceases as my tongue makes a path between her breasts, another finger being added inside of her. Slowly, I travel downwards. My wet fingers come out so I can use both hands to spread her legs further apart. I glance up at her and her glazed over eyes. Smirking first, I lightly trail my tongue over her skin, making a shiver run through her.

After doing that a few more times, my mouth waters for more. I lick and suck with as much expert-like experience that I’ve got because I want to drive her fucking insane. Twice as much as she did to me. When Kinley’s hand grasps my head to hold me in place, I know that I’ve almost succeeded. She tightens around my fingers that I’ve slipped back inside of her and bucks against me with her orgasm.

Reluctantly, I remove myself from her to reach for the condom that I placed on the nightstand earlier today.

“Carson,” Kinley says under her breath with hooded eyes as I roll it on.

“Sweetheart, I’m not done yet. Don’t worry.”

Her eyes open wider and she laughs. “I was going to tell you that I don’t need a chance to recover.” Her fingers reach out and dig into my ass, pulling me closer to her. “I’m ready right now,” she finishes, wrapping her legs around my waist.

Who the hell am I to deny Kinley Wright what she wants? Especially when what she wants is me.

My tip brushes against her and her breath catches. “Are you staying the night?” I question. Not really sure why I feel the need to ask this right now, but I am. It seems to catch her off guard for half a beat before she nods.

And then I thrust into her.

She kills me when she lifts her hips up off the bed, creating a bit of a different angle. I lose myself in the soft whispers of my name falling from her lips, the way she pushes her body towards me, and pulls mine closer to hers. We hit our climax quickly, spent and satisfied as we lay on my bed to recollect.

“We should have started sleeping together the moment we met,” Kinley jokes before we get up to clean up and get ready for bed.

Her tone said she was joking, but it keeps replaying in my mind. I’m weirdly glad that I didn’t sleep with her immediately. For one, it would have been a one time thing. Not to mention that everything between us wouldn’t be like it is right now.

We’re on two different sides of the bed at first, but then, I do so

mething I’ve never done before. I reach over to pull her against me, relishing in the fact that she relaxes against me the moment I do.

With a kiss to the top of her head, I whisper, “Tonight was great. Thanks for that.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance