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t have any problems later.”

“I’m curious on how many ‘sober’ girls you’ve had in your bed. I would think drinking was a requirement.”

I tilt my head and brush my lips over her ear. “Pretty much all of them because they don’t want to chance not remembering all the things I do to them come morning.”

“So, should I prepare myself for the Morning-After-Carson?” Kinley briefly leans against me.

“Most definitely. I don’t have a reputation because I’m average, you know.”

“I have this feeling that you’re lying to me. I think once you see some of my secrets, you won’t be so quick to throw me out of bed.”

“The only place I plan on throwing you is onto the bed, sweetheart. Why do I only get to see some of the secrets?”

“Aw, you’ll just have to be patient.” She walks away, leaving me watching the sway of her hips.


Cassie ended up dragging Kinley out for a night on the town, not coming back until late, so she had to wait some more. The next night, she swore up and down that she didn’t have time because she had to get some work stuff together for her boss. There is no way to distract Kinley when she’s in pure work mode. Trust me, I tried. Our flirting keeps going with secret moments when no one is paying attention.

Today wrapped up the campaign. We have one more day here in Utah before we’re going back home. I’m standing outside Kinley’s door and this is the day. My four knocks are quick. It takes forever for the door open, but once it does, I step forward and pull Kinley against me, pressing my lips to hers.

I’ve got her off guard, but in three seconds, she wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me with the same fierceness as I’m kissing her.

“Tonight, Kinley,” I murmur between breaths.

She hums her agreement when I slide my hands under her shirt, tugging her closer. A loud “Ahem!” halts things immediately. I pull away to see that we’re not alone. Cassie is sitting on the edge of Kinley’s bed. One thing is for sure, I don’t have any more patience. Kinley glances at Cassie before looking back at me. I haven’t even remotely released my hold on her. I could say something, but if Kinley wants this, then she’s going to have to be the one to speak.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Carson is still holding me, and even I forgot that Cassie is still in the room.

“I’ll guess I’ll leave you two alone.” She winks as she walks around us both and leaves.

“Well, Cassie knows,” Carson teases and leans in to kiss me again.

“Wait one second.” I untangle myself from his arms and start cleaning off the bed. I know that I should have been a little bit more prepared for this but there’s so much to do before we leave.

“You’re telling me to wait, and I’ve hardly seen you the past couple of days.”

I look over at him, cocking an eyebrow. “I do believe you told me to be patient. Does it suck having a taste of your own medicine?”

He rolls his eyes, and I giggle picking up the folders. I pretend to shuffle through them trying to hold back my laughter because I know that it’s killing Carson.

“Sweetheart, if you don’t hurry up, I’ll bend you over that desk.”

I turn, keeping a small smile on my face. “And who said I wouldn’t like that?”

I see the fire in his eyes as he takes two quick steps to me. Instantly, he kisses me and moans at our connection.

“I want you in the bed,” he whispers against my lips. “This time.”

Carson rips open my shirt, causing the buttons to fly every which way, and I feel my heart beat faster. I tug on his shirt, pulling it over his head. I had seen him without a shirt numerous times, but as I lightly trace my finger down his chest, I’m turned on with each bump and ripple I feel.

“I’m not going to last if you keep looking at me like that,” he moans as I reach the top of his jeans.

“You average twenty-two minutes on the ice for a game, so I’m pretty sure you’re going to do just fine right now.” I unbuckle his belt and unleash the bulge in his pants.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance