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Cassie’s right. I need to get over all this petty crap and be an adult. I’m twenty-seven, and I know what I want.

And it’s Carson Lee.

“Take care of the tab and my bags.” I jump off the stool, stumble for a second, and head up to his room. I stand at his door and steady myself before pounding on it.

“Yes?” His brown eyes make me wobble a little.

I give myself a quick pep talk, telling me to be strong and say what I came to say. “We need to talk.”

“We do?” He looks confused. “I thought we already did that.”

“Okay, let’s cut the shit.” He’s jerking me around, and I don’t have time for all of that silliness. “I’m a little tipsy and you know that I know we both like each other. So, I’m here to say I’m sorry for being a bitch and all that other stuff I said yesterday.”

Carson stares at me for a second before his smirk appears. “I accept your apology for you being a total bitch to me.”

“Okay.” I grab his neck and jerk him to me, kissing his lips hard.

Carson pulls me into the room, kicking the door shut, and not letting go of me. “Wow.” He releases my lips. “You’ve had a lot to drink.”

“Who cares? Don’t stop.” I reach for him again.

“Are you trying to have sex with me?”

I drop my hands. “Well, yeah.”

“Not going to happen, sweetheart.” He laughs.

“What? Why?”

“You really think the first time I have sex with you is when your drunk?” Carson looks at me as if I should know the answer.

“Um.” I’m not sure if in my alcohol induced state I know the answer to that question.

Carson softly kisses my lips. “I want you to be aware of what I’m doing to you and not pass out on me.”

“Are you saying that you don’t have the skills to keep me awake?” I giggle at him.

“Oh, I can do a lot of things to keep you awake without going all the way.” He narrows his eyes at me.

“Prove it.” I challenge him.

Carson picks me up fireman style and carries me to the bed. His lips are on me before I can comprehend what is happening. I let go of everything and enjoy his lips. He’s on his side, and I feel his hand on my hip. I roll myself on my back, making him hover over me. I wrap my legs around his hips and smile, breaking our kiss.

“We’re not having sex,” he growls at me, leaning down to my neck.

I moan from his tender touch and the swirl of his tongue. I arch my back, and his fingers trace the waistband of my jeans. “If you don’t stop right now, I’m going to make you fuck me,” I breathe out. He laughs again and rolls off of me. I instantly curl up against his chest and close my eyes.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Kinley passed out in seconds. Once again, she’s left me wondering what has happened. She’s like this whirlwind that comes in, turns you around so many times you lose count, and then leaves you in her wake. I really like kissing her too. It seems like she gives into me, like she lets go of everything holding her back, so I can take over.

And now, she’s curled against me, sound asleep. I almost wish she wasn’t, so I could turn the lights off because I don’t want to get up and accidentally wake her. Looks like the lights are staying on. As I start to relax and as my eyes get heavier, I wonder how Kinley will be in the morning when she’s completely sober. How will the rest of our time here go? What’s going to happen once we go home?

In the morning, I wake up before Kinley and find her on the other side of the bed. Luckily, I woke up before my alarm went off. After quietly changing, I slip out for a morning workout. Since our trip is winding down, there’s a lot to pack in these last few days. If I’m not mistaken, we have a couple more shoots and a commercial to do, with the latter happening today. The treadmill is my first target.

Before long, I’ve been here an hour. When I open my door, Kinley is still sleeping. I slip into the shower, surprising myself with the fact that I’m a little concerned over the different scenarios that could unfold once she wakes up. I step out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist to find her sitting up in bed. She lifts her head as I walk to the dresser. I don’t get a chance to say anything before my phone rings.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance