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“Calm down, sweetheart. I’m not going to attack you.”

I nod and climb up next to him. I’m not sure what to say or do, but soon I’m laughing at the bad British accents, horrible one liners, and overall the worst acting ever. Carson is laughing too, and it’s nice to have company. When it’s over, I help him clean up the kernels that never made it to our mouths.

“Thanks, Carson, I really needed this tonight.”

“I think I did too. What’s that old saying, laughter is the best medicine?”

I giggle. “Yes, that’s correct, but I need to get some work done now.” I head over to the door but stop and turn back to him. I take a deep breath and hug his neck. “I really mean it, Carson. Thank you.”

I feel his arms around my waist, but he doesn’t say anything. I go to pull away from him, but he holds me in place. I look up at him, and I know that look. Carson’s going to kiss me. I go to open my mouth to tell him to stop, but instead our lips connect.

I can’t believe it. We’re kissing, and I can’t stop myself. His lips are soft against mine, but there’s a control about them as he maneuvers his against mine. Carson pushes me up against the wall, and he drives his tongue into my mouth. I moan as he grasps my thigh, pulling it up over his hip, pushing against me.

I can say one thing: Carson can kiss. My knees are growing weak from his tongue, and my mind wanders to how it would feel in between my legs. When he lifts my shirt, and I feel the heat of his hand on my skin, I begin to realize that this is a mistake.

“Carson, stop.” I push against his chest, and he drops my leg. “We can’t…we can’t do this,” I pant.


“Because…” Before I can list all the reasons on why this is wrong, there’s a knock on the door.

“Don’t you dare move,” he orders me to stay as he answers the door.

I hear a female voice, and I know it’s one of the other models. I hear her ask if he’s ready.

“Yeah, meet me downstairs, and I’ll be there in a little bit.”

My heart is racing, but this time it’s from anger.

“You ass!” I yell at him when he shuts the door.

“What?” He tries to look innocent.

“You’re trying to get me in your bed, but you have a date with another girl.”

He is still playing confused. “Wait, you have it wrong, sweetheart.”

“Shut up, Carson Lee! I can’t believe I was played by you. I should have known you didn’t even like me.” I’m still yelling at him, and I try to push past him.

“Enough, Kinley.” He grabs my arm and spins me around. “You’re wrong here. That girl and I are just working out.”

“Yeah, her mouth on your dick. Thanks for showing me how much good you really have in you, Carson Lee. I truly believed that there was something good about you, but I was so wrong.” I jerk my arm out of his grip and bolt to my room, slamming the door, and letting the tears fall as I hit the pillow.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Kinley is a fucking piece of work. I’m standing in my hotel room, wondering what in the hell just happened. I don’t know if things started going wrong when she said we couldn

’t do this or when the model I’ve been working out with knocked on my door. Either way, it all went downhill. Part of me wants to go talk to Kinley, but her comment about being wrong about me keeps thrashing around in my head. I need to exercise and leave her alone.

With my room key in hand, I go downstairs to meet the girl, Stella. We’ve been working out together lately and it works because she has no interest in me whatsoever, seeing that she’s a lesbian. Yet, Kinley thinks I’m banging her. I probably couldn’t bribe her into putting her mouth on my dick. We silently fall into a jog on the treadmill first.

“You’re quieter than usual today,” Stella comments.

“I don’t have much to say.” I press a button to make the speed go up, so I can start running. My mind replays what happened again. Kinley practically melted against me as her body relaxed completely with the kiss. She took me by surprise with the sincerity of her words on top of a hug. It was weird how easy going and fun it was hanging out with her.

But it was nice too.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance